J-GLOBAL ID:200901086345705481   Update date: Dec. 18, 2024

Matsubayashi Hirotoshi

マツバヤシ ヒロトシ | Matsubayashi Hirotoshi
Affiliation and department:
Job title: 講師
Research field  (1): Solid earth science
Research keywords  (16): 正断層 ,  スラスト ,  地震活動 ,  広帯域 ,  微動 ,  火山 ,  地震 ,  ウェーブレット ,  アレイ ,  Seismology ,  Broad-band ,  Tremor ,  Volcano ,  Earthquake ,  Wavelet ,  Array
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (4):
  • 2000 - ウェーブレット変換の物理探査への応用に関する研究
  • 2000 - Study on seismic arraydata analysis using wavelet transforms
  • 東北地方の沈み込み帯の地震活動
  • Study of the seismicity about subduction zone in north-east Japan
Papers (5):
  • MATSUBAYASHI Hirotoshi, MATSUMOTO Takumi. P08 The activity transition of the long-period tremor at Mt. Aso anticipating volcanic eruptions. PROGRAMME AND ABSTRACTS THE VOLCANOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN. 2009. 2009. 108-108
  • T. Matsumoto, Y. Ito, H. Matsubayashi. Spatial Distribution of F-net Moment Tensor Solutions of the Mid Niigata Prefecture Earthquake in 2004. Zisin. 2006. 53. 263-268
  • Sudo Y., Tsutsui T., Uhira K., Yamasato H., Kawakatsu H., Matsubayashi H., Oikawa J., Takeo M., Iidaka T., Ohminato T., et al. Aso94 : Typical seimograms. PROGRAMME AND ABSTRACTS THE VOLCANOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN. 1994. 1994. 209-209
  • Kaneshima S., Sudo Y., Tsutsui T., Uhira K., Yamasato H., Ohminato T., Ito H., Kuwahara Y., Kawakatsu H., Matsubayashi H., et al. Aso 94 : Aso Seismic Observation with Broadband Instruments. PROGRAMME AND ABSTRACTS THE VOLCANOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN. 1994. 1994. 57-57
  • KAWAKATSU Hitoshi, MATSUBAYASHI Hirotoshi, OIKAWA Jun, TAKEO Minoru, IIDAKA Takashi, SUDO Yasuaki, TSUTSUI Tomoki, OHMINATO Takao, ITO Hisao, KUWAHARA Yasuto, et al. ASO-94 : Long-period Tremors Observed with Broadband Seismometers. PROGRAMME AND ABSTRACTS THE VOLCANOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF JAPAN. 1994. 1994. 58-58
MISC (28):
Patents (1):
  • 特許.地震動の伝播速度測定方法とそれに用いるための回転地震計
Lectures and oral presentations  (6):
  • Monitoring of the long-period volcanic tremor of Mt. Aso
    (7th General Assembly of Asian Seismological Commission and Seismological Society of Japan, 2008 Fall meeting 2008)
  • Monitoring of the long-period volcanic tremor of Mt. Aso
    (7th General Assembly of Asian Seismological Commission and Seismological Society of Japan, 2008 Fall meeting 2008)
  • The estimation of source position of long period seismic wave by Complex Meyer matching pursuit
    (AGU Fall Meeting 2007)
  • A new model that forms both strong and weak coupling asperity in a shallow inter-plate region
    (XXIV General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics 2007)
  • The estimation of source position of long period seismic wave by Complex Meyer matching pursuit
    (AGU Fall Meeting 2007)
Works (4):
  • 阿蘇火山周辺の広帯域地震計による連続観測
    1994 - 1995
  • 桜島火山の広帯域地震計による連続観測
    1992 - 1993
  • 島根県益田市沖浅海音波探査
    1992 -
  • Pre POSEIDON計画
    1992 -
Education (6):
  • - 2006 Yamaguchi University
  • - 2006 Yamaguchi University Graduate School, Division of Science and Engineering Department of Geosphere Sciences
  • - 1995 The University of Tokyo
  • - 1995 The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Science
  • - 1992 Tokyo University of Science
Show all
Professional career (2):
  • Master of Science (The University of Tokyo)
  • Doctor of Science (Yamaguchi University)
Work history (1):
  • National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention (NIED) Earthquake Research Department Technical Staff
Committee career (2):
  • 2018/04 - 現在 物理探査学会 総務財政委員
  • 1998 - 2002 物理探査学会 企画調査員
Association Membership(s) (8):
AMERICAN GEOPHYSICAL UNION ,  日本火山学会 ,  日本地震学会 ,  物理探査学会 ,  The Society of Exploration Geophysicists of Japan ,  The Volcanological Society of Japan ,  Seismological society of Japan ,  American Geophysical Union
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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