T. Yamauchi, T. Fujii, T. Oikawa, Y. Hata. Crystal Structure Analysis of GraE Protein from the Gene Cluster of γ-Resorcylate Catabolic System. SPring-8 / SACLA Research Report. 2015. 3. 2. 329-332
Yamauchi, T, Fujii, T, Yoshida, M, Oikawa, T, Hata, Y. Crystal Structures of Bacterial Flavin Reductase GraD and Its Complex with NADH. Acta Cryst. 2014. A70. C448
Fujii, T, Kobayashi, K, Yamauchi, T, Yoshida, M, Oikawa, T, Hata, Y. Crystal Structure Analyses of Oxygenase Component of Resorcinol Hydroxylase. Acta Cryst. 2014. C448
Crystal Structure of Tetrameric Malate Dehydrogenase from Antarctic Psychrophile
(XXI Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography 2008)