Research field (2):
, Primary/secondary education and curricula
Research keywords (4):
, ヤコビ形式
, Mathematics education
, Jacobi form
Research theme for competitive and other funds (5):
research on Mathematics education
Study on modular forms of half-integral weight
Study on Jacobi forms
Papers (4):
徳能 康. On Eisenstein Series of Half Integral Weight and Theta Series Over Imaginary Quadratic Fields. Commentarii Mathematici Universitatis Sancti Pauli. 2013
Hisashi KOJIMA, Yasuhide MIURA, Hiroshi SAKATA, Yasushi TOKUNO. On Eisenstein Series of Half Integral Weight and Theta Series Over Imaginary Quadratic Fields. COMMENTARII MATHEMATICI UNIVERSITATIS SANCTI PAURI. 2013. 62. 1. 1-10
Jacobi Forms of Half-Integral Weight and Siegel Modular Forms of Integral Weight. Research Reports Miyagi National College of Technology. 1999. 35. 75-82