J-GLOBAL ID:200901086578612122
Update date: Dec. 18, 2024
Takatori Kazuhiko
Takatori Kazuhiko
Research field (1):
Pharmaceuticals - chemistry and drug development
Research keywords (6):
organic chemistry
, synthetic organic chemistry
, 臨床検査薬
, 呼気診断
, 安定同位体
, マイクロ波加熱
Research theme for competitive and other funds (12):
- 2021 - 2025 金属ラジカル一電子還元反応を基盤とする生物活性天然物の合成研究
- 2018 - 2021 Development of novel reactions induced by rare earth elements and titanium for the construction of carbon skeletons and synthetic studies of bioactive compounds
- 2011 - 2013 Synthetic studies of bioactive molecules based on microwave assisted ring formation and fragmentation reaction
- 2003 - 2005 Research and Development of Liver Cytochrome p-450 Function Inspection Medicine by a ^<13>C-Breath Test
- 2000 - 2001 マイクロ波照射によるRobinson環化の新規反応条件の開発
- 1996 - 1996 新規反応条件として高周波照射の応用開発研究
- 安定同位体標識化合物の合成とその医薬応用
- 天然物の合成研究
- マイクロ波照射を用いた有機合成
- Synthesis and Medical Application of Stable Isotope Labeled Compounds
- Synthesis of Natural Products
- Organic Synthesis Using Microwave Irradiation
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Papers (20):
Kenichi Kobayashi, Yusuke Honma, Kosaku Tanaka, Momoko Suzuki, Kazuhiko Takatori, Hiroshi Kogen. Toward the stereochemical assignment of euvesperins A and B: total synthesis of the possible structures of the natural products. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry. 2024
Ryotaro Haku, Kazuhiko Takatori, Naoto Suzuki, Makoto Ono, Varin Titapiwatanakun, Toshiro Fukami. Exploration and characterization of a novel cocrystal hydrate consisting of captopril, an amino acid-derived drug. CrystEngComm. 2023. 25. 17. 2523-2533
Nasa Sakamoto, Naoya Tsuno, Ryotaro Koyama, Katsuhiko Gato, Varin Titapiwatanakun, Kazuhiko Takatori, Toshiro Fukami. Four Novel Pharmaceutical Cocrystals of Oxyresveratrol, including a 2:3 Cocrystal with Betaine. Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin. 2021. 69. 10. 995-1004
Motoki Inoue, Hiroshi Hisada, Kazuhiko Takatori, Tatsuo Koide, Toshiro Fukami, Anjan Roy, James Carriere. Solid-State Analysis of Alpha-Cyclodextrin Inclusion Complexes Using Low-Frequency Raman Spectroscopy. Analytical Chemistry. 2021. 93. 2. 704-708
Naoto Suzuki, Takanori Kanazawa, Kazuhiko Takatori, Toyofumi Suzuki, Toshiro Fukami. Crystal Structure Analysis and Pharmaceutical Properties of Amide Salts Consisting of Paracetamol/Sulfonic Acids as Solid Forms Prepared by Grinding. Crystal Growth & Design. 2020. 20. 2. 590-599
MISC (40):
鈴木直人, 山口徹, 鵜澤志帆, 金沢貴憲, 高取和彦, 鈴木豊史, 深水啓朗. アセトアミノフェン/スルホン酸類からなるアミド塩の粉砕法によるキャラクタリゼーションおよび類似構造の検索. 日本薬剤学会年会講演要旨集(CD-ROM). 2018. 33rd
山口徹, 鈴木直人, 金沢貴憲, 高取和彦, 鈴木豊史, 深水啓朗. 粉砕法を用いたカウンター物質の交換反応によるCocrystalおよび塩の熱力学的安定性の比較. 日本薬剤学会年会講演要旨集(CD-ROM). 2018. 33rd
WADA MASAKI, WADA YUKO, UCHIYAMA MAKOTO, KAJIWARA MASAHIRO, TAKATORI KAZUHIKO. ^<13>C-phenylalanine breath test correlates with liver fibrosis in postoperative biliary atresia. 2007. 49. 6. 836-841
KAJIWARA Masahiro, HANAMITSU Hiroshi, NAKAMURA Masayuki, KOTAKA Mina, TAKATORI Kazuhiko, IIDA Katsumi. Biosynthesis of Porphyrinoids in Rhodobacter sphaeroides. Radioisotopes. 2007. 56. 10. 605-612
KAJIWARA Masahiro, MUKAI Yoshio, HINO Fumio, TAKATORI Kazuhiko. Conveniently Construction of Class Archives Which Writing on Blackboard and Electronified the Voice. 2003. 11. 20-24
Books (1):
13C-尿素呼気検査, Helicobacter pylori の最新知見
中山書店 1995
Professional career (2):
Association Membership(s) (3):
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