J-GLOBAL ID:200901086717797817
Update date: Sep. 19, 2024
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Affiliation and department:
Kyoto Sangyo University Faculty of Science, Department of Physics
About Kyoto Sangyo University Faculty of Science, Department of Physics
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Detailed information
Research field (2):
Theoretical studies related to particle-, nuclear-, cosmic ray and astro-physics
, Astronomy
Research keywords (4):
天体物理学 宇宙論 X線天文学
, X-lay Astronomy
, Cosmlogy
, Astrophysics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (6):
1986 - 銀河形成と宇宙大規模構造の起源
1986 - 銀河団と宇宙論
1986 - Formation of Galaxies and Origin of Large-Scale Structure of the Universe
1986 - Clusters of Galaxies and Cosmology
1970 - クェーサーおよびX線背景放射の起源
1970 - Origin of Quasars and X-Ray Background Radiation
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MISC (84):
New β Model of Intracluster Gas Distribution. 京都産業大学論集・自然科学系列 I. 2008. 第37号,45-58
ME Jones, AC Edge, K Grainge, WF Grainger, R Kneissl, GG Pooley, R Saunders, SJ Miyoshi, T Tsuruta, K Yamashita, et al. H-0 from an orientation-unbiased sample of Sunyaev-Zel'dovich and X-ray clusters. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY. 2005. 357. 2. 518-526
ME Jones, AC Edge, K Grainge, WF Grainger, R Kneissl, GG Pooley, R Saunders, SJ Miyoshi, T Tsuruta, K Yamashita, et al. H-0 from an orientation-unbiased sample of Sunyaev-Zel'dovich and X-ray clusters. MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY. 2005. 357. 2. 518-526
S Miyoshi, N Tanaka, M Yoshimura, K Yamashita, A Furuzawa, T Futamura, M Hudaverdi. ASCA and XMM-Newton observations of A2029. CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES: NEW INSIGHTS FROM XMM-NEWTON, CHANDRA AND INTEGRAL. 2005. 36. 4. 752-756
S Miyoshi, N Tanaka, M Yoshimura, K Yamashita, A Furuzawa, T Futamura, M Hudaverdi. ASCA and XMM-Newton observations of A2029. CLUSTERS OF GALAXIES: NEW INSIGHTS FROM XMM-NEWTON, CHANDRA AND INTEGRAL. 2005. 36. 4. 752-756
Books (83):
New β Model of Intracluster Gas Distribution
京都産業大学論集・自然科学系列 I 2008
ASCA and XMM-Newton Observations of A2029
Advances in Space Research 2005
Ho from an orientation-unbiased sample of Sunyaev-Zel\'dovich and X-ray clusters
Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society 2005
ASCA and XMM-Newton Observations of A2029
Advances in Space Research 2005
Ho from an orientation unbiased sample of Sunyaev-Zel\'dovich and X-ray clusters
Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society 2005
Lectures and oral presentations (4):
ASCA and XMM-Newton Observations of A2029
(COSPAR general assembly in Paris 2004)
Structure and X-ray Properties of the Cluster A2029
(ASCA Symposium on New Century of X-ray Astronomy 2001)
Hierarchical Structure Formation in the Universe Using Cosmic Strings
(Physics of Galaxy Formation 2000)
X-Ray Time Variation of Radio-Twinkling Quasar PKS0405-385
(ASCA Symposium on Heating and Acceleration in the Universe 1999)
Works (3):
1994 -
1986 -
Investigation of X-ray Clusters of Galaxies
1986 -
Education (4):
- 1970 Nagoya University
- 1970 Nagoya University Graduate School, Division of Natural Science
- 1965 Kyoto University Faculty of Science
- 1965 Kyoto University Faculty of Science
Professional career (1):
Doctor of Science (Nagoya University)
Committee career (1):
- 1999/05 日本学術振興会特別研究員等審査会専門委員 ~1999年5月
Association Membership(s) (4):
, アメリカ物理学会(The American Physical Society)
, 日本天文学会
, 日本物理学会
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