J-GLOBAL ID:200901086997918177   Update date: Mar. 27, 2003

Tajima Yoshiya

タジマ ヨシヤ | Tajima Yoshiya
Affiliation and department:
Research field  (1): Economic history
Research keywords  (6): 日本漁業史 ,  日本経済史 ,  and the State in the Japanese Fishery ,  Society ,  Economy ,  Socio Economic History of Japan
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (2):
  • 幕藩体制下の漁業史研究
  • Study of the evolution of the Commercial fishing in Edo-era
MISC (4):
  • 近世後期漁獲鰊の集荷過程/神奈川大学日本常民文化研究所論集歴史と民俗. 平凡社. 1989. 1. 161-203
  • On the collection-process of herrings in the latter Edo-era. 1989. 1. 161-203
  • 幕末期「場所」請負制下における漁民の存在形態. 社会経済史学. 46. 3. 51-79
  • The state of fishermen under the Basho-Contract System in the latter Edo-era. 46. 3. 51-79
Books (14):
  • 場所請負制後期のアイヌの漁業とその特質/前近代の日本と東アジア
    吉川弘文館 1996
  • The Ainu of fishery and it's characteristic in the latter stage of the Basho-Contract System
  • 海産物をめぐる近世後期の東と西/日本の近世17-東と西、江戸と上方
    中央公論社 1994
  • On the logistics of marine products in the west and the east of Japan in the latter half of Edo-era
  • 近世紀州漁法の展開/日本の近世4-生産の技術
    中央公論社 1992
Education (4):
  • - 1982 Kanagawa University
  • - 1982 Kanagawa University Graduate School, Division of Economics
  • - 1972 Kanagawa University Faculty of Economics Department of Economics
  • - 1972 Kanagawa University Faculty of Economics
Professional career (1):
  • (BLANK)
Association Membership(s) (5):
地方史研究会 ,  日本史研究会 ,  歴史学研究会 ,  経営史学会 ,  社会経済史学会
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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