Research field (3):
Structural and functional materials
, Material fabrication and microstructure control
, Metallic materials
Research keywords (6):
, Microstructures of Metals
, Steel Research
, Mechanical Metallurgy
, Advanced Structural Materials
, Physical Metallurgy
- 2022/05 - 本多記念会 本多フロンティア賞
- 2022/03 - Japan Institute of Metals (JIM) The 61st Tanisawa-Harris Award Studies on Controlling Nano/Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Structural Metallic Materials by Thermo-mechanical Processing
- 2021/11 - Japan Institute of Light Metals JILM 70th Anniversary Distinguished Service Award
- 2021/07 - Japan Institute of Metals (JIM) The 1st JIM Young Researcher Paper Award
- 2021/07 - Japan Institute of Metals (JIM) The 1st JIM Young Researcher Paper Award
- 2018/04 - Chinese Academy of Science, Institute for Metals Research Lee Hsun Lecture Award
- 2017/09 - Japan Institute of Metals JIM Best Paper Award
- 2011/04 - SAE International The 2010 Sydney H. Melbourne Award for Excellence in the Advancement of Automotive Sheet Steel
- 2009/03 - Japan Society for Promotion of Science (JSPS) The 5th JSPS Award
- 2008 - 大阪大学論文100選・2007-2008・選出
- 2008 - Scripta Materialia 2007 Top 10 Referees
- 2007 - 大阪大学論文100選・2006-2007・選出(グラフィクス24選)
- 2007 - Osaka University Osaka University 10 Selected Papaers
- 2006/03 - Japan Institute of Metals JIM Excellent Achievement Award
- 2006 - Japan Institute of Metals JIM Metallography Award
- 2006 - Osaka University Excellent Education & Research Award
- 2006 - 日本金属学会 第64回功績賞 力学特性部門
- 2005 - Best poster presentation award in 2005 spring technical meeting of Korea institute of Metals and Materials, EXCO
- 2005 - Best Poster Award in Nano SPD3
- 2005 - 53rd JIM Best Paper Award
- 2004 - 21世紀COEプログラム「構造・機能先進材料デザイン拠点」第2回シンポジウム、若手ポスター発表優秀賞
- 2004 - The 1st Murakami Promising Young Researcher Award
- 2004 - The Best Poster Award in 2004 Spring Meeting, The Korea Institute of Metals
- 2004 - Best 100 Papers in Osaka University 2004
- 2004 - 第2回日本金属学会優秀ポスター賞
- 2004 - The 3rd Int. Symp. on Ultrafine Grained Materials、Silver Medal for Poster Presentation
- 2004 - Silver Poster Award in the 2nd Symp. for Advanced Structural and Functional Materials Design, 21 COE Program
- 2003 - Japan Institute of Metals Distinguished Poster Award
- 2003 - Osaka University 100 Best Papers Award
- 2003 - Thermec 2003 Distinguished Student Poster Award
- 2003 - Acta/Scripta Materialia Excellent Reviewer Award
- 2003 - High Temperature Society Best Paper Award
- 2000 - Japan Institute of Light Metals Young Scientist Award
- 1999 - ISIJ International Best Paper Award (Sawamura Award), Iron and Steel Institute of Japan
- 1997 - Japan Institute of Metals Young Scientist Award
- 1996 - Honda Kohtaro Memorial Silver Award
Show all
Japan Society for Technology of Plasticity
, 熱処理技術協会
, Japan Welding Society
, TMS (Minerals, Metals and Materials Society)
, Japan Institute of Light Metals (JILM)
, Iron and Steel Institute of Japan (ISIJ)
, Japan Institute of Metals (JIM)
, MRS (Materials Research Society)