2005 - 2007 Development of the carbon thin films nanostructured by femtosecond laser pulse with a super low friction coefficient and local conductivity
2004 - 2006 Development of atmosphere controlled Tribotester and evaluation of tribological properties of hard thin films nanostructured with femtosecond laser
2004 - 2006 ナノ超微粒子の摩擦焼結による独創的トライボ膜の創製
2002 - 2004 Development of super-tribological duplex coatings due to 3-dimensional femtosecond-laser processing
2001 - 2003 粉末の摩擦面への供給によるマイルド摩耗遷移
1999 - 2000 金属粉末を利用した高機能異種材料の高信頼性接合技術の開発
Fruction induced metal surfaces
Tribology of metals
Relationship between mechanical properties and microstructure of sintered steels
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Papers (31):
Hirotaka Kato, Wataru Hirokawa, Yoshikazu Todaka, Kazufumi Yasunaga. Improvement in Surface Roughness and Hardness for Carbon Steel by Slide Burnishing Process. Materials Sciences and Applications. 2021. 12. 05. 171-181
Hirotaka Kato, Yoshikazu Todaka. Wear and adhesion properties of ultra-fine grained metals produced by severe plastic deformation. ITC Sendai 2019. 2019. 17-G-1
Wear and Adhesion Properties of High-pressure Torsion Processed Carbon Steel
(8th International Conference on Engineering and Innovative Materials (ICEIM 2019) 2019)
Nano-crystallization of Steel Surface by Slide-Burnishing
(4th International Conference on Material Engineering and Application (ICMEA 2019) 2019)