J-GLOBAL ID:200901087570425680
Update date: Aug. 06, 2022
Fujii Makoto
フジイ マコト | Fujii Makoto
Research field (1):
Philosophy and ethics
Research keywords (2):
, History of western philosophy
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
1980 - The Development of the Conception of Substance in British Empiricism
Study of Kant's philosophy
MISC (9):
イギリス経験論における実体概念の展開(4). 1994
FUJII Makoto. The Development of the Conception of Substance in British Empiricism (4). Bulletin of Faculty of Literature Intercultural studies), Kurume University. 1994. 5. 5. 63-81
イギリス経験論における実体概念の展開(3). 1991
The Development of the Conception of Substance in British Empiricism (3). KURUME UNIVERSITY JOURNAL. 1991. 40. 1. 37-47