Research field (3):
Oral medicine
, Anatomy
, Veterinary medicine
Research keywords (6):
, 基礎獣医学・基礎畜産学
, 解剖学
, Anatomy in General Csnilvcling Histology and Embryology
, Basic Veterinary Medicine and Basic Animal Science
, Anatomy
Research theme for competitive and other funds (9):
1998 - SEMとEDXによる松果体の脳砂の観察
1998 - SEM and XMA studies of human brain sands
1996 - 真皮に形成障害を持つ牛の骨組織の電子顕微鏡的観察
1996 - 偶蹄類の緻密骨の微細構造と比較発生
1996 - Electron Microscopic Observations of Cow Bone in Dermal Dysplasia