J-GLOBAL ID:200901087905911771
Update date: May. 16, 2020
Kamiya Shoko
カミヤ ショウコ | Kamiya Shoko
Affiliation and department:
Japan Science and Technology Agency
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Research keywords (2):
, Saccharide
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
2000 - 2005 一次元孤立微小空間構造の組織化と機能発現
Synthesis of novel compound containing saccharide and analysis of the function
MISC (12):
H Yui, Y Shimizu, S Kamiya, Yamashita, I, M Masuda, K Ito, T Shimizu. Encapsulation of ferritin within a hollow cylinder of glycolipid nanotubes. CHEMISTRY LETTERS. 2005. 34. 2. 232-233
S Kamiya, H Minamikawa, JH Jung, B Yang, M Masuda, T Shimizu. Molecular structure of glucopyranosylamide lipid and nanotube morphology. LANGMUIR. 2005. 21. 2. 743-750
QM Ji, S Kamiya, JH Jung, T Shimizu. Self-assembly of glycolipids on silica nanotube templates yielding hybrid nanotubes with concentric organic and inorganic layers. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY. 2005. 15. 7. 743-748
B Yang, S Kamiya, K Yoshida, T Shimizu. Confined organization of Au nanocrystals in glycolipid nanotube hollow cylinders. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS. 2004. 5. 500-501
B Yang, S Kamiya, H Yui, M Masuda, T Shimizu. Effective shortening in length of glycolipid nanotubes with high axial ratios. CHEMISTRY LETTERS. 2003. 32. 12. 1146-1147
Education (4):
Nagoya University School of Agricultural Sciences
Nagoya University Graduate School of Engineering
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Nagoya
University of Nagoya, Graduate School of Engineering
Professional career (1):
Doctor of Engineering
Work history (6):
2001 - :科学技術振興事業団研究員
2001 - : Researcher, Japan Science and Technology
1999 - :物質工学工業技術研究所非常勤研究員
1999 - : Post Doctoral Fellow, National Institute of
Materials and Chemical Research
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Association Membership(s) (5):
, 高分子学会
, The Society of Polymer Science, Japan
, Biotechnology and Agrochemistry
, Japan Society for Bioscience
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