J-GLOBAL ID:200901088526078635
Update date: Jul. 13, 2022
Miyata Takahisa
ミヤタ タカヒサ | Miyata Takahisa
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (1):
Research keywords (1):
topology, shape theory and its applications
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
- 2011 - シェイプ理論によるフラクタル幾何学へのカテゴリ的アプローチに関する研究
- 2005 - 要因実験における検索可能計画の構成とその最適基準の開発
- 2005 - 大学における数理情報教育に求められている課題の分析とその改善に関する研究
Papers (44):
MISC (5):
宮田 任寿, Kosaku Nagasaka, 高橋 正. 手で触る数理情報教育. 神戸大学発達科学部研究紀要. 2007. 第14巻,第2号
Miyata Takahisa. On shape theory and its applications (Research of Set-Theoretic and Geometric Topology and Their Applications). RIMS Kokyuroku. 2001. 1188. 46-54
Miyata Takahisa. STABLE SHAPE AND BROWN'S REPRESENTATION THEOREM (General and Geometric Topology). RIMS Kokyuroku. 1999. 1074. 38-46
Takahisa Miyata. Extension property and cohomological dimension. General Topology Symposium. 1995. 49 - 55
Takahisa Miyata. Classifying spaces for dimension and extension property. Numazu College of Technology Technical Report. 1995. Vol. 30, 83 - 86
Books (2):
Progress in Mathematical Biology Research
Nova Science Publishers, Inc. 2008
キーワード 人間と発達[増補改訂版] V. 生活とテクノロジー
大学教育出版 2007
Lectures and oral presentations (7):
Approximate resolutions and fractal geometry
(Osaka Meeting on Geometric Topology 2002)
Approximate resolutions and Hausdorff dimension
(International Conference on Topology and its Applications, joined with the Second Japan-Mexico Topology Symposium (Topology in Matsue) 2002)
Lipschitz maps and approximate resolutions
(一般・幾何学的トポロジーとその応用に関する研究集会 2001)
On shape theory and its applications
(集合論的・幾何学的トポロジーとその応用に関する研究集会 2000)
Shape theory from the viewpoint of homotopy theory
(International Conference on Topology and its Applications 1999)
Education (1):
Professional career (2):
- M. S. (ルイジアナ州立大学)
- Ph. D. (ワシントン大学)
Association Membership(s) (1):
American Mathematical Society
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