J-GLOBAL ID:200901088805175527
Update date: Apr. 12, 2013
Nakagami Yoshiomi
ナカガミ ヨシオミ | Nakagami Yoshiomi
Research field (2):
Basic analysis
, Mathematical analysis
Research keywords (4):
, 作用素環
, Quantum Group
, Operator Algebra
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
2006 - 2008 矩形行列の行列式の研究
2006 - 2008 Cullis' determinant for rectangular matrices
1995 - 2008 量子群の作用素環論的研究
1995 - 2008 Operator algebraic Treatment for Quantum Groups
MISC (13):
Amenability for weighted Hopf C*-algebras. A Garden of Quanta. 2003. 463-477
量子群と作用素環. 第35回実関数論・関数解析学合同シンポジウム講演録. 1997. 1-10
Double group construction for compact Woronowicz algebras. Int. J. Math. 1996. 7(4), 521-540,
量子Lorentz群とその量子包絡環について. 数理解析研講究録938、作用素環における両側加群について. 1996. 80-89
A von Neumann algebra framework for the duality of the quantum groups(jointly worked). Publ. RIMS, Kyoto Univ. 1994. 30(5), 799-850
Books (1):
作用素環入門 II, C*環とK理論 (共著:生西明夫)
岩波書店 2008 ISBN:9784000054096
Education (4):
- 1966 Tokyo Institute of Technology Science of Engineering
- 1966 Tokyo Institute of Technology Graduate School, Division of Science and Engineering Mathematics
- 1964 Tokyo Institute of Technology
- 1964 Tokyo Institute of Technology Faculty of Science and Engineering
Professional career (1):
Master of Science (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Work history (11):
1981 - 2000 横浜市立大学文理学部 教授
1981 - 2000 Professor, Yokohama City Univ.
2000 - - 日本女子大学理学部 教授
2000 - - Professor, Fuculty of Science, Japan Women's Univ
1978 - 1980 横浜市立大学文理学部 助教授
1978 - 1980 Associate Professor, Yokohama City Univ.
1975 - 1977 Kyushu University School of Sciences
1975 - 1977 Research Assistant, Kyushu Univ.
1966 - 1975 Tokyo Institute of Technology
1966 - 1975 Research Assistant, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Japan Women's University Faculty of Science Researcher
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Committee career (1):
1984 - 1985 日本数学会 日本数学教育学会 数学常任編集委員,Journal編集委員,評議員,Journal編集委員長
Association Membership(s) (4):
International Association of Mathematical Physics
, 日本数学教育学会
, 日本数学会
, International Association of Mathematical Physics
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