J-GLOBAL ID:200901088875793430
Update date: Jul. 17, 2024
Donishi Tomohiro
ドウニシ トモヒロ | Donishi Tomohiro
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Affiliation and department:
Wakayama Medical University Department of System Neurophysiology
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Detailed information
Job title:
Research assistant
Research field (4):
Basic brain sciences
, Clinical pharmacy
, Physiology
, Neuroscience - general
Research keywords (4):
functional brain network
, amygdala
, hippocampus
, auditory physiology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
2022 - 2025 Human gastric pacemaker activity as measured by EGG and cine MRI for functional dyspepsia
2021 - 2024 COPDにおける身体非活動と認知機能障害の併存病態の解析システム構築
2013 - 2016 グラフ理論に基づく脳内ネットワーク解析による個性の解明
2012 - 2015 Application of functional connectivity measured with resting state fMRI to epilepsy treatment
Papers (42):
Tsunahiko Hirano, Shun Takahashi, Ayumi Fukatsu-Chikumoto, Kasumi Yasuda, Takuya Ishida, Tomohiro Donishi, Kazuyoshi Suga, Keiko Doi, Keiji Oishi, Shuichiro Ohata, et al. Diagnostic Utility of Specific Frailty Questionnaire: The Kihon Checklist for Hippocampal Atrophy in COPD. Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2024. 13. 12. 3589-3589
Ayumi Fukatsu-Chikumoto, Tsunahiko Hirano, Shun Takahashi, Takuya Ishida, Kasumi Yasuda, Tomohiro Donishi, Kazuyoshi Suga, Keiko Doi, Keiji Oishi, Shuichiro Ohata, et al. Correlation between frailty and reduction in cortical thickness in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Scientific Reports. 2024. 14. 1
Yasuo Nakai, Hiroki Nishibayashi, Tomohiro Donishi, Masaki Terada, Naoyuki Nakao, Yoshiki Kaneoke. Regional abnormality of functional connectivity is associated with clinical manifestations in individuals with intractable focal epilepsy. Scientific Reports. 2021. 11. 1
Shun Takahashi, Tsunahiko Hirano, Kasumi Yasuda, Tomohiro Donishi, Kazuyoshi Suga, Keiko Doi, Keiji Oishi, Shuichiro Ohata, Yoriyuki Murata, Yoshikazu Yamaji, et al. Impact of Frailty on Hippocampal Volume in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Biomedicines. 2021. 9. 9
Yoshiki Kaneoke, Tomohiro Donishi, Masaki Terada. Detection of gastric slow oscillatory contraction using parasagittal cine MR images: Comparison with simultaneously measured electrogastrogram. Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 2021. 75. 149-155
MISC (54):
Tsunahiko Hirano, Shun Takahashi, Tomohiro Donishi, Kasumi Yasuda, Keiko Doi, Kazuyoshi Suga, Yusuke Mimura, Keiji Oishi, Nobutaka Edakuni, Kazuto Matsunaga. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PHYSICAL INACTIVITY AND WHITE MATER MICROSTRUCTURE DISORDER IN COPD. RESPIROLOGY. 2019. 24. 270-270
堂西倫弘, 寺田正樹, 金桶吉起. 性差は安静時脳機能ネットワークに違いをもたらす一つの因子である. 日本ヒト脳機能マッピング学会プログラム・抄録集. 2018. 20th. 65
石田卓也, 岩谷潤, 山田信一, 高橋隼, 篠崎和弘, 堂西倫弘, 寺田正樹, 金桶吉起. 双極性障害における脳梁の構造異常と半球間機能的結合異常との関連. 日本ヒト脳機能マッピング学会プログラム・抄録集. 2017. 19th. 58
堂西倫弘, 石田卓也, 寺田正樹, 金桶吉起. 安静時の脳機能ネットワークで明らかになった男女差. 日本ヒト脳機能マッピング学会プログラム・抄録集. 2017. 19th. 70
保富宗城, 玉川俊次, 堂西倫弘, 山本悠太, 石川卓也, 鵜飼聡, 篠崎和弘, 金桶吉起, 上山敬司, 山中昇. 耳鳴患者におけるSPECTを用いた脳血流量の評価. 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会会報. 2016. 119. 4. 583
Books (1):
Organization of two-tone facilitation in neurons of the primary auditory cortex in rats.
Integrated Human Brain Science Elsevier Science 2000
Education (4):
1996 - 2000 Wakayama Medical University
- 2000 Wakayama Medical University Graduate School, Division of Medicine
1990 - 1996 Wakayama Medical University Faculty of Medicine
- 1996 Wakayama Medical University Faculty of Medicine
Professional career (1):
PhD (Wakayama Medical University)
Work history (2):
2000/04 - 現在 Wakayama Medical University
2001/09 - 2003/08 The Rockefeller University Laboratory of Neuroendocrinology (B. McEwen) Postdoctoral Fellow
Association Membership(s) (3):
Japan Human Brain Mapping Society
, 日本生理学会
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