J-GLOBAL ID:200901088947994029
Update date: Dec. 18, 2024
Suto Itsuki
ストウ イツキ | Suto Itsuki
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (2):
Solid earth science
, Biogeoscience
MISC (79):
須藤 斎, 朝日博史. 陸上と海洋における同時科学掘削に向けて. 月刊地球. 2014. 36. 2. 79-86
Suto, I, Asahi, H. Heading towards transected land and ocean scientific drilling. Chikyu Monthly. 2014. 36. 2. 79-86
Suto, I, Kawamura, K, Chiyonobu, S. Data report: Paleoceanography and taxonomic notes based on Pliocene and Pleistocene diatom floras from the Canterbury Basin (IODP Expedition 317), off New Zealand. Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program. 2013. 317
Suto, I, Kawamura, K, Chiyonobu, S. Data report: Paleoceanography and taxonomic notes based on Pliocene and Pleistocene diatom floras from the Canterbury Basin (IODP Expedition 317), off New Zealand. Proceedings of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program. 2013. 317
Teraishi, A, Suto, I, Onodera, J, Takahashi, K. Diatom, silicoflagellate and ebridian biostratigraphy and paleoceanography in IODP 323 Hole U1343E at the Bering slope site. Deep Sea Research II. 2013. in press
Books (23):
Southern Alaska Margin: interactions of tectonics, climate, and sedimentation
IODP Preliminary Report 2013
Southern Alaska Margin: interactions of tectonics, climate, and sedimentation
IODP Preliminary Report 2013
朝倉書店 2013
New edition of the manual for microfossil researches
Asakura Publishing Co., Ltd. 2013
東海大学出版会 2012
Lectures and oral presentations (26):
(日本地球惑星科学連合2014年大会 2014)
IODP Expedition 341 (Alaska Tectonics, Climate and Sedimentation) の目的と船上微化石分析結果の概要
(微古生物学リファレンスセンター (MRC) 研究集会2014 2014)
Land and ocean scientific drilling campaign in the Antarctic
(ICDP Science Conference 2013 Imaging the Past to Imagine our Future 2013)
Diversification of diatoms drove the evolution of marine organisms
(The International Biogeoscience Conference Nagoya 2013 2013)
IODP Exp. 320/321 Sites U1334 とU1338 の珪藻化石生層序
(日本地球惑星科学連合2013年大会 2013)
Works (4):
2014 - 2017
2011 - 2014
2008 - 2011
2006 - 2008
Awards (3):
- 2009/09 - 日本地質学会小澤儀明賞
- 2009/05 - 第56回産経児童出版文化賞 大賞
- 2005/07 - 日本古生物学会論文賞
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