J-GLOBAL ID:200901089681690513
Update date: Dec. 18, 2024
Ohashi Masato
オオハシ マサト | Ohashi Masato
Affiliation and department:
About 大阪公立大学
Search "大阪公立大学"
Research field (1):
Inorganic and coordination chemistry
Research keywords (3):
, 有機金属化学
, 錯体化学
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
MISC (10):
Sensuke Ogoshi, Toshifumi Haba, Masato Ohashi. Nickel-Catalyzed Direct Conjugate Addition of Simple Alkenes to Enones. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. 2009. 131. 30. 10350-+
Ni(0)-Catalyzed Formation of Azaaluminacyclopentenes via Azanickelacyclopentenes: A Unique Nickel/Aluminum Double Transmetalation Reaction. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2009. 2009, 131(26), 9160-9161
Ni(0)-Catalyzed Formation of Azaaluminacyclopentenes via Azanickelacyclopentenes: A Unique Nickel/Aluminum Double Transmetalation Reaction. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2009. 2009, 131(26), 9160-9161
Sensuke Ogoshi, Tomoya Arai, Masato Ohashi, Hideo Kurosawa. Nickeladihydrofuran. Key intermediate for nickel-catalyzed reaction of alkyne and aldehyde. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS. 2008. 1347. 11. 1347-1349
S Takabayashi, M Ohashi, K Mashima, Y Liu, S Yamazaki, Y Nakato. Surface structures, photovoltages, and stability of n-Si(111) electrodes surface modified with metal nanodots and various organic groups. LANGMUIR. 2005. 21. 19. 8832-8838
Patents (2):
Professional career (1):
博士(工学) (東京工業大学)
Association Membership(s) (2):
, 日本化学会
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