Productivity of Orchardgrass in Japan Estimated by the Neural Network Method and the Effect of an Increase in CO2 and a Rise in Temperature
(International Grassland Congress 1997)
Works (3):
2005 -
1993 - 1996
1990 - 1992
Education (4):
- 1988 The University of Tokyo
- 1988 The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Agricultural Science
- 1986 The University of Tokyo
- 1986 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Agriculture
Professional career (1):
Ph. D (Agriculture) (Kyushu University)
Committee career (4):
2001 - 現在 日本草地学会 編集委員
2002 - 2007 日本芝草学会 理事,評議員,編集委員
Japanese society of turfgrass science editorial boardman
Japanese society of grassland science editorial boardman
Awards (5):
2007 - 北海道草地研究会賞
2007 - Prize of Hokkaido society of grassland sciense.
2003 - 日本草地学会 ベストポスター 優秀賞
1999 - 日本草地学会研究奨励賞
1999 - Research Encouragement Prize, Japanese society of grassland science