Research keywords (3):
quantitative methods
, social statistics
, family sociology
Research theme for competitive and other funds (23):
2021 - 2026 Research on Educational Inequality in the Post-COVID-19 Era: Investigating Global Issues Through Innovation of Online Survey and Experimental Methods
2022 - 2025 人文社会科学系研究者のジェンダー平等の実態と改善に関する研究
2020 - 2023 Family sociological studies regarding inter generational reproduction of poverty and low income
2019 - 2022 Varieties and transformations of inter-generational and gender relations in Asian ageing societies
2017 - 2022 Empirical analysis of family problems at the stage of family formation based on a large scale repeated cross-sectional family survey
2016 - 2021 Investigation of the long-term causal effect of economic inequality on educational inequality based on longitudinal survey and experiments of parent-child pairs and international comparison
2016 - 2021 Research on development of new methods of Social Survey that can contribute to policy making under difficult situations for social survey.
2016 - 2019 貧困低所得の世代的再生産についての基礎的研究
2015 - 2018 Re-examination Family in Diversified Life Course
2013 - 2016 Comprehensive studies of Japanese family during 1999-2009 by National Family Research of Japan dataset
2010 - 2012 Quantitative studies of the family structure and life course of low-income and poor people
2010 - 2012 Trend Analysis of Japanese Family
2006 - 2009 Construction of the large scale repeated cross sectional data set for family studies in Japan
2005 - 2007 Comparative Research on Changing Family Structure in North-east Asia: Japan, China and Korea
2000 - 2003 The Intergenerational Relationships of Contemporary Households (Families) in Japan
1998 - 1998 家族構造の国際比較のための基礎的研究-公共利用ミクロデータの作成と活用-
1997 - 1997 家族構造の国際比較のための基礎的研究-公共利用ミクロデータの作成と活用-
1996 - 1997 Qualitative Comparison by Boolean Approach
1996 - 1996 パネルデータの計量的分析法の開発
1996 - 1996 家族構造の国際比較のための基礎的研究-公共利用ミクロデータの作成と活用
1994 - 1996 Research on Life Stress and Social Support
1994 - 1994 社会的ストレスの縦断的研究
1991 - 1993 The Social Structure and Social Change of Towns in Hokkaido
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Papers (24):
Inaba, Akihide. Progress in gender equality society and inequality in children's life course : Research issues in welfare sociology from the perspective of quantitative family studies. Journal of Welfare Socilogy. 2024. 21. 13-29
Akihide Inaba. Kiyomi Morioka’s Typology of Family Systems. Kazoku syakaigaku kenkyu. 2023. 35. 2. 146-157
Frederick de Moll, Akihide Inaba. Transformations of Early Childhood in Japan: From Free Play to Extended Education. The Emerald Handbook of Childhood and Youth in Asian Societies. 2023. 83-106
Inaba,Akihide. Examing the deinstitutionalization proposition of marrige in Japan. Mita Journal of Sociology. 2023. 28. 3-18
Inaba, Akihide. The effect of children's interaction with non-resident fathers on children's self-esteem: Quantitative analysis of children in single parent families in Japan. The Japanese Journal for Rsearch on Children and Divorced Families and Stepfamilies. 2023. 5. 2-19
Inaba Akihide. Problems Relating to Declining Response Rates to Social Survey Research in Japan : Trends After 2000 (<Special Issue> Japanese Sociology and Social Surveys). International journal of Japanese sociology : IJJS. 2007. 16. 10-22
Inaba Akihide. Method and Problems of Social Research Training Using Raw Data. Social information. 1998. 8. 1. 155-167
Inaba Akihide. Social Patterns of Psychological Distress of Married Women. Comprehensive urban studies. Special edition. 1995. 56. 93-111
Books (5):
ミネルヴァ書房 2017
Families in Japan 1999-2009: Quantitative Analysis of National Family Research of Japan.
University of Tokyo Press 2016
東京大学出版会 2013
ハーベスト社 2004
Structure and transformation of contemporary Japanese family
University of Tokyo Press 2004
Lectures and oral presentations (3):
(Annual meeting of Japan Sociological Society 2018)
Social stratification and the formation of single parent households in Japan
(18th ISA World Congress of Sociology, 2014)