J-GLOBAL ID:200901090015434101
Update date: Mar. 27, 2008
Abe Shinji
アベ シンジ | Abe Shinji
Affiliation and department:
Research field (1):
Social psychology
Research keywords (2):
, Educational Psychology
MISC (6):
教室経営の改革. 明治図書学級経営. 1980. 165
The reform of the management of classroom learning. Meiji・library. 1980. 165
学習環境をどうつくるか. 明治図書 学授業経営. 1976. 196
How to make better am educational environment for pupils. Meiji. library. 1976. 196
集団思考の実験的研究. 徳島大学. 1967
Books (2):
明治図書 1972
The learning of social studies by means of thinking together in small groups.
Meiji. library 1972
Awards (3):
- 1980 - 徳島県教育功労賞
- 1971 - 三木康楽賞
- 1963 - 第7回学研教育賞
Association Membership(s) (2):
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