J-GLOBAL ID:200901090685358783
Update date: Jul. 27, 2009
Sugiyama Shiro
スギヤマ シロウ | Sugiyama Shiro
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Others(describe your title)
Research field (1):
Research keywords (6):
, 元典章
, 元代漢語
, 蒙文直訳体
, 元典章
, 元代漢語
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
- 1998 - 『元典章』蒙文直訳体の文法
- 『元典章』蒙文直訳体の文法
MISC (1):
『元典章』蒙文直訳体の助詞”來”および”了”の統語構造. 中国語学. 2001. 249号
Education (2):
- - 2001 Kobe City University of Foreign Studies
- - 1998 Kobe City University of Foreign Studies Faculty of Foreign Studies
Professional career (1):
Association Membership(s) (2):
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