J-GLOBAL ID:200901091004204844
Update date: Apr. 29, 2020
Moribe Shoko
モリベ ショウコ | Moribe Shoko
Affiliation and department:
Former Institution / Organization Nihon University Graduate School of Dentistry
About Former Institution / Organization Nihon University Graduate School of Dentistry
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Research field (1):
Neuroscience - general
Research keywords (4):
, 神経化学
, Neuropharmacology
, Neurochemistry
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
2002 - 中枢神経系-ドパミン・アセチルコリン受容体の神経化学的行動薬理学研究
2002 - 中枢神経系-ドパミン受容体の神経化学的、行動薬理学的研究
MISC (9):
G Akiyama, H Ikeda, S Matsuzaki, M Sato, S Moribe, N Koshikawa, AR Cools. GABA(A) and GABA(B) receptors in the nucleus accumbens shell differentially modulate dopamine and acetylcholine receptor-mediated turning behaviour. NEUROPHARMACOLOGY. 2004. 46. 8. 1082-1088
Role of μ- and δ-opioid receptors in the nucleus accumbens in turning behaviour of rats. Neuropharmacology. 2004. 46. 1. 1089-1096
H Ikeda, G Akiyama, Y Fujii, R Minowa, N Koshikawa, AR Cools. Role of AMPA and NMDA receptors in the nucleus accumbens shell in turning behaviour of rats: interaction with dopamine receptors. NEUROPHARMACOLOGY. 2003. 44. 1. 81-87
ラットの turning behaviour 脚橋被蓋核の役割. 第76回 日本薬理学会年会. 2003
ラットの turning behaviour 発現における側坐核 δ opioid 受容体の役割. 第31回 日本歯科麻酔学会総会. 2003
Education (2):
- 1996 Matsumoto Dental University Faculty of Dentistry Dentistry
- 1996 Matsumoto Dental University Faculty of Dentistry
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