Research keywords (8):
high speed motor
, automotive traction
, bearingless motor
, magnetic suspension
, magnetic levitation
, generator
, Electric Machinery
, motor
Research theme for competitive and other funds (14):
2019 - 2022 Investigation of the limit of Earnshaw's theorem in bearigless motors.
2015 - 2017 Noise and vibration reduction of swithced reluctance motor for hybrid vehicles
2014 - 2017 Development of Magnetically Levitated Motor System Using One Three-phase Power Module
2013 - 2015 Development of switched reluctance generator
2009 - 2010 A three-dimensional bearingless motor for a disk-shaped centrifugal pump
1997 - 1998 超高速ベアリングレス誘導機の過渡時制御
1997 - 1998 Basic Study for Systematized Mechanism of Producing Radial Force and Rotational Torque of Bearingless Motors
1996 - 1996 超高速ドライブ用ベアリングレス誘導モータの負荷時安定化制御
1995 - 1996 Development of Shaftless Bearingless Axial Gap Motors.
1995 - 1996 Research of Homopolar Type Bearingless Motors and the Control Methods.
1995 - 1995 超高速ドライブ用ベアリングレス誘導モータの5軸浮上制御
1994 - 1994 超高速回転ベアリングレス誘導機の安定化
1993 - 1994 Trial Manufacturing of Mechanical Contactless Bearingless Motors with Five-axis Active Position Control
1993 - 1994 Research of the Control Method for a Bearingless Reluctance Motor
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Papers (197):
Yifei Cai, Fares S. El-Faouri, Naoki Saikawa, Akira Chiba, Souichiro Yoshizaki. Magnetostriction Effect on Vibration and Acoustic Noise in Switched Reluctance Motor. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. 2025
Candra Adi Wiguna, Kyohei Kiyota, Akira Chiba, Omer Gundogmus, Yilmaz Sozer, Atsuya Ohashi, Junichi Asama, Christopher H. T. Lee. Investigation of Effective Cases of Radial Force Sum Flattening for Acoustic Noise Reduction in Four Three-Phase Switched Reluctance Motors With Different Pole Configuration. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. 2024
Yusuke Fujii, Kaito Tanaka, Akira Chiba, Kenta Tagami, Takuya Sakuragi, Tatsuya Tonari, Yusuke Irino. Voltage Disturbance Compensation for Thrust Suspension Using Zero-Sequence Current in 5-Axis Actively Controlled Bearingless Motor. 2024 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE). 2024. 5639-5644
Akira Kumashiro, Lingyu Chen, Yusuke Fujii, Akira Chiba, Wolfgang Gruber, Wolfgang Amrhein, Gerald Jungmayr. Novel Reluctance-Type Magnetic-Geared Motor Integrated With High-Speed Bearingless Motor. IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications. 2024. 60. 3. 3808-3819
Yifei Cai, Fares S. El-Faouri, Akira Chiba, Souichiro Yoshizaki. Magnetostriction Effect on Vibration and Acoustic Noise in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors. IEEE Open Journal of Industry Applications. 2024
熊代 明, 千葉 明, 藤井 勇介, Wolfgang Gruber, Wolfgang Amrhein, Gerald Jungmayr. 高速ロータが磁気浮上する磁気ギアードモータにおける回転角度位置検出の検証-Evaluation of Rotation Angle Position Detection in Magnetic Geared Motor with Magnetically Levitated High-Speed Rotor-マグネティックス/モータドライブ/リニアドライブ合同研究会 モータドライブ,リニアモータ技術一般,磁性材料,磁気応用一般. 電気学会研究会資料. MAG = The papers of technical meeting on magnetics, IEE Japan / マグネティックス研究会 [編]. 2022. 2022. 102-105・107-110・112-120. 91-96
熊代 明, 千葉 明, 藤井 勇介, Wolfgang Gruber, Wolfgang Amrhein, Gerald Jungmayr. 高速ロータが磁気浮上する磁気ギアードモータにおける回転角度位置検出の検証-Evaluation of Rotation Angle Position Detection in Magnetic Geared Motor with Magnetically Levitated High-Speed Rotor-マグネティックス/モータドライブ/リニアドライブ合同研究会・モータドライブ,リニアモータ技術一般,磁性材料,磁気応用一般. 電気学会研究会資料. MD / モータドライブ研究会 [編]. 2022. 2022. 120-123・125-128・130-138. 91-96
Combination of oil film bearing and bearingless motor for high load capacity and stable rotation
(Proceedings of 2018 IEEE 27th International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE) 2018)
Radial excitation force generated by permanent magnet motor using d-axis current injection
(Abstract of International Conference on Industrial Technology 2018)
Suppression of Self-Excited Vibration Caused by Oil Film Bearing Using Bearingless Motor
(Proceeding of IEEE International Electric Machines & Drives Conference 2017)
Performance Improvement of a Bearingless Motor by Rotation about an Estimated Center of Inertia
(Abstruct of Linear Drives for Industry Applications 2017)
2010/04 - 現在 Tokyo Institute of Technology School of Engineering Professor
2004/04 - 2010/03 Tokyo University of Science Faculty of Science and Technology Professor
Committee career (2):
2020/04 - 現在 電気学会回転機技術委員会 委員長
2020/01 - 現在 Chair in IEEE Industry Applications Society Electric Machine Committee Chair
Awards (1):
2020/07 - IEEE Nikola Tesla Award (IEEE Techinical Field Award) For contribution of bearingless and reluctance motors
Association Membership(s) (5):
Japan Society of Automotives
, Power Electronics Society
, 日本機械学会
, Institute of Electrical Electronic Engineering
, Institute of Electrical Engineering of Japan