Research field (4):
Obstetrics and gynecology
, Hygiene and public health (non-laboratory)
, Hygiene and public health (laboratory)
, Healthcare management, medical sociology
Research keywords (4):
, 公衆衛生学
, Obstetrics and Gynecology
, Public Health
Research theme for competitive and other funds (9):
2002 - アジア諸国におけるエイズ対策
2000 - Measures against HIV/AIDS in Asia
A study about sexual behavior of High sclool and University Students in Kitakyushu city.
A study about Health and Welfare system in Myanmer
Tsurugi Y, Yamamoto M, Okouchi J, Matsuda S. [The abortion and teenage pregnancy prevention program in United States of America]. [Nihon koshu eisei zasshi] Japanese journal of public health. 2002. 49. 1117-1127
NONOYAMA Mikiko, NODA Yoko, ISHIKAWA Yoko, SAOTOME Tomoko, TSURUGI Yoko, SHIRAI Chika, HORIGUCHI Masako. Verified Self-Efficacy Scale for condom use to prevent sexually transmitted diseases. 日本性感染症学会誌 = Japanese archives of sexually transmitted diseases. 2007. 18. 1. 58-63
NONOYAMA Mikiko, TSURUGI Yoko, ISHIKAWA Yoko, SAOTOME Tomoko, NODA Yoko, SHIRAI Chika, HORIGUCHI Masako. Influences of an STD prevention video for safer sex on adolescents. 日本性感染症学会誌 = Japanese archives of sexually transmitted diseases. 2004. 15. 1. 57-65