J-GLOBAL ID:200901091520805757   Update date: Jun. 10, 2022

Peter Mizuki

ミズキ ピーター | Peter Mizuki
Research keywords  (7): Research Outline: My research in teaching English as a second / foreign language began first with researching how to create a language acquisition atmosphere in the classroom. Once I had developed useful procedures for creating a language acquisition atmosphere in the classroom I began developing the content of the course. This led to researching theme-based instruction in second / foreign language acquisition. I began developing topics based on news broadcasts. In the last few years I`ve b ,  Learner autonomy ,  TOEFL preparation ,  Autonomous learning ,  TOEFL ,  Autonomy ,  Research Outline: My research in teaching English as a second / foreign language began first with researching how to create a language acquisition atmosphere in the classroom. Once I had developed useful procedures for creating a language acquisition at
Papers (9):
  • Book Review: Lindsay Miller (Ed.) Autonomy in the Classroom. Learning Learning. 2008. vol.15. No.1. p.40
  • Marlen Harrison, Christopher Carpenter, Terry Fellner, Renee Sawazaki, Amanda Bradley, Paul Dore, Denise Haugh, Robeert B. Sanderson. Learner Development Forum: Learning to express ourselves. JALT Conference Proceedings Learner Development Forum: Learning to express ourselves. 2006
  • Follow-up Links on Student and Teacher Motivation. Learning Learning: A bilingual Newsletter for the Learner Development SIG (special interest group) of JALT (Japan Assoc. of Language Teachers). 2005. 13. (2). p.66,
  • Marlen Harrison, Christopher Carpenter, Terry Fellner, Renee Sawazaki, Amanda Bradley, Peter Mizuki, Paul Dore, Denise Haugh, Robert B. Sanderson. Learner Development Forum: Learning to Express Ourselves. JALT 2005 Conference Proceedings. Learner Development Forum: Learning to Express Ourselves. 2005. pp.252-263
  • "Autonomy in Second Language Aquisition". CWC2論文集pp.121-125. 2003. 2
Books (2):
  • `Metacognitive Strategies, Reflection, and Autonomy in the Classroom`. In A. Barfield & M. Nix (eds.) Learner and Teacher Autonomy in Japan 1: Autonomy You Ask,pp.143-154
    JALT 2003
  • Encouraging and Developing Autonomy in the classroom
    Learning Learning 2002
Lectures and oral presentations  (8):
  • How a course on Japanese culture promotes autonomy and greater intercultural understanding in a Japanese language and culture program
    (2009 Pan-SIG Conference:infinite possibilities:expanding limited opportunities in language education 2009)
  • Autonomy: Giving Students Avenues of Eepression
    (FLC/JLT Mini Conference: Input and Output: Toward Integration 2009)
  • Autonomy:Avenues of Expression in Learning
    (JALT (Japan Association of Language Teachers)33rd International Language Conference 2007)
  • Autonomy: Giving Students Avenues of Expression in Learning
    (The Independent Learning Association 3rd International Conference 2007)
  • Critical Evauations, Autonomy, and Motivation:A Story and Comments on Stimulating Learners` Presentations
    (JALT 31st National ConferenceLearner Development Forum: Learning to express ourselves 2005)
Education (1):
  • - 2001 Temple University Japan Graduate School of EducationTemp English Education (TESOL) / Temple University Japan Master of Education (TESOL)/ Temple University
Professional career (6):
  • 文学士 (ワシントン大学)
  • Bachelor of Arts (University of Washington)
  • 図書館学修士 (ワシントン大学大学院)
  • Master of Library Science (Washington University Graduate School)
  • 教育学修士 (テンプル大学)
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Committee career (2):
  • 2001/10 - 全国語学学会 会報”Learning Learnig"共同編集者
  • 2001/10 - JALT ”Learning Learnig"co-editor
Association Membership(s) (1):
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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