Research field (2):
Quantum beam science
, Radiology
Research keywords (2):
Particle beam therapy physics
, Medical Physics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (10):
2022 - 2025 定位炭素線治療(カーボンナイフ)照射技術の開発
2022 - 2025 高エネルギーX線用符号化開口を用いたコンプトン散乱X線イメージングの高度化
2021 - 2025 高空間分解能を有するオペランドコンプトン散乱X線顕微分光分析法の開発
2018 - 2023 複数体積分割照合法を用いた位置決め患者の治療照射影響評価に関する研究
2013 - 2017 Study on quantification and visualization of displacement of divided regions on patient positioning in heavy-ion therapy
2012 - 2013 エネルギー調整器作成装置の積層型補償フィルタケースの最適化
2011 - 2012 エネルギー調整器作成装置の重粒子線治療臨床実用化
2011 - 2012 Study on high-precision carbon-ion treatment for tumors with respiratory motion by 4-dimensional treatment planning
2008 - 2009 Study on quantitative evaluation of respiratory-induced organ motion and high-precision particle cancer therapy
2000 - 2002 低速陽電子ビームによる高分子薄膜材料の極微構造評価
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Papers (67):
Yuki Hasebe, Mutsumi Tashiro, Hiroshi Sakurai. Evaluation of dose distributions and respiratory motion tolerance for layer-stacking conformal carbon-ion radiotherapy. Radiological Physics and Technology. 2024
Motohiro Kawashima, Maria Varnava, Shuichi Ozawa, Hiromitsu Higuchi, Yoshihiko Hoshino, Mutsumi Tashiro. Evaluation of monthly variations in electrometer calibration coefficients using a charge generator for radiation therapy. Radiological Physics and Technology. 2024
M. Sakai, S. Tamaki, I. Murata, R. K. Parajuli, A. Matsumura, N. Kubo, M. Tashiro. Experimental study on Compton camera for boron neutron capture therapy applications. Scientific Reports. 2023. 13. 1
Jing-Ni Chen, Tatsuya Ohno, Mutsumi Tashiro. Dose distribution estimation toward CT-less adaptive carbon ion radiotherapy for liver tumors using the divided-volume matching technique. Physics in Medicine & Biology. 2023. 68. 20. 205018
Motohiro Kawashima, Maria Varnava, Shuichi Ozawa, Hiroki Okada, Hiromitsu Higuchi, Yoshihiko Hoshino, Mutsumi Tashiro. Assessment of a self-inspection method and reporting measured electrometer correction factors for reference-class electrometers in radiotherapy. Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics. 2023. 24. 8. e14082
Mutsumi TASHIRO. Introduction of Gunma University Heavy Ion Medical Center. Japanese Journal of Medical Physics. 2021. 41. 3. 161-165
小林 優斗, 川嶋 基敬, 松村 彰彦, 田代 睦. 放射線フィルムを用いた炭素線の線量と線エネルギー付与(LET)の同時測定. The Kitakanto Medical Journal. 2021. 71. 3. 235
長谷部 有希, 櫻井 浩, 田代 睦. 重粒子線治療の照射内変動を考慮した積層原体照射の線量分布評価. The Kitakanto Medical Journal. 2021. 71. 3. 235
山之内 佐久也, 竹内 和臣, 高橋 祥吾, 田代 睦, 日出間 純, 東谷 篤志, 安達 拓也, Zhang Shenke, Guirguis Fady Nagy Lotfy, 吉田 由香里, et al. 宇宙放射線研究のすすめ 月や火星の低重力と低線量率放射線の複合環境模擬装置の開発(Recommendations for Space Radiation Research Development of combined-environment simulator for low-dose-rate radiation and partial gravity of Moon and Mars). 日本放射線影響学会大会講演要旨集. 2020. 63. 22
横山 耕平, 取越 正己, 田代 睦. 呼吸性移動積層原体照射における線量分布評価. The Kitakanto Medical Journal. 2018. 68. 3. 178
Lectures and oral presentations (46):
FLASH Carbon-Ion Irradiation System Development for Human Cell Experiments
(The 2nd Annual Conference of the Asia-Oceania Particle Therapy Co-Operative Group (PTCOF-AO 2022)) 2022)
FLASH carbon-ion irradiation system establishment and human cell experiments
(Flash Radiotherapy & Particle Therapy Conference (FRPT 2022) 2022)
Establishment of FLASH carbon-ion irradiation system and cell irradiation examinations
(The 124th congress of Japanese Society of Medical Physics 2022)
Dosimetry of experimental carbon-ion mini-beams toward ‘Carbon-Knife’ and ‘Carbon-Flash’
(Flash Radiotherapy & Particle Therapy (FRPT) 2021 2021)
Reconstruction of lateral dose distributions with optimized filtering process for fine carbon-ion beams toward ‘carbon-knife’
(59th Annual Conference of the Particle Therapy Co-Operative Group (PTCOG 59) 2021)
2021/04/16 - Radiological Physics and Technology Outstanding Reviewer Award Outstanding Reviewer Award (Outstanding Reviewer in 2020)
2017/01 - International Training Cource on Carbon-ion Radiotherapy Fighting-spirit award
2014/04/13 - Japanese Society of Radiological Technology, Japan Society of Medical Physics Radiological Physics and Technology, Doi Award in Radiation Therapy Physics Technical approach to individualized respiratory-gated carbon-ion therapy for mobile organs
2013/11 - International Training Cource on Carbon-ion Radiotherapy Silver Prize
2005/09/30 - The 4th Japan-Korea Joint Meeting on Medical Physics and The 5th Asia-Oceania Congress of Medical Physics Poster Award (Radiation Therapy) Quantification Technique of 3D Lung Motion Using Vessel Bifurcation Pattern Matching
Association Membership(s) (6):
, KITAKANTO Medical Society
, Japanese Society of Radiation Chemistry
, Japanese Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology
, Japan Radiological Society
, Japan Society of Medical Physics