J-GLOBAL ID:200901092347198447
Update date: Jun. 07, 2020
Hanado Yuko
ハナド ユウコ | Hanado Yuko
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Senior Researcher
Research field (3):
Applied physics - general
, Applied mathematics and statistics
, Basic mathematics
Research keywords (5):
, 周波数標準
, Algorithm of time scale
, Millisecond pulsar radio observation
, Frequency standards
Research theme for competitive and other funds (3):
- 1999 - Time scale algorithm
- 1995 - 時系アルゴリズム
- 1989 - High precision measurement of highly stable pulse timing of
MISC (16):
Yuko Hanado, Mizuhiko Hosokawa. Improvement of rate shift in average atomic time scale algorithm. JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. 2008. 47. 4. 2294-2299
Yuko Hanado, Mizuhiko Hosokawa. Improvement of rate shift in average atomic time scale algorithm. JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS. 2008. 47. 4. 2294-2299
Yuko Hanado, Kuniyasu Imamura, Noboru Kotake, Fumimaru Nakagawa, Yoshiyuki Shimizu, Ryo Tabuchi, Yukio Takahashi, Mizuhiko Hosokawa, Takao Morikawa. The new Generation System of Japan Standard Time at NICT. International Journal of Navigation and Observation. 2008. 2008. ArticleID 841672
Yuko Hanado, Kuniyasu Imamura, Noboru Kotake, Fumimaru Nakagawa, Yoshiyuki Shimizu, Ryo Tabuchi, Yukio Takahashi, Mizuhiko Hosokawa, Takao Morikawa. The new Generation System of Japan Standard Time at NICT. International Journal of Navigation and Observation. 2008. 2008. ArticleID 841672
Yuko Hanado, Mizuhiko Hosokawa, Kuniyasu Imamura, Noboru Kotake. Improvement of frequency change at Japan Standard Time. ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING IN JAPAN. 2006. 157. 1. 29-37
Patents (1):
Professional career (2):
- Master of Science (Tohoku University)
- 博士(工学) (電気通信大学)
Work history (2):
- 1989 - - 通信総合研究所
- 1989 - - Communications Research Laboratory
Association Membership(s) (5):
, 応用物理学会
, 日本天文学会
, The Japan Society of Applied Physics
, The Astronomical Society of Japan
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