Research keywords (2):
骨腫瘍 軟部腫瘍 四肢 肉腫 化学療法 患肢温存
, BONE TUMOR SOFT TISSUE TUMOR LIMB sarcoma Chemotherapy limb salvage
Research theme for competitive and other funds (13):
2021 - 2026 液体窒素を用いた腫瘍処理骨再建術における処理骨周囲膜組織の機能解明
2022 - 2025 Investigation of microenvironment and novel therapeutic targets in bone and soft tissue tumors
2022 - 2025 神経原性腫瘍モデルラットの新規構築と検証
2020 - 2025 悪性軟部腫瘍個別化療法のための新規同所移植モデル確立とその機能解析
2021 - 2024 骨軟部肉腫における腫瘍免疫状態の解明と新規免疫療法の開発
2019 - 2022 Investigation for mechanism of metastasis using molecular imaging
2016 - 2020 Glycogen synthase kinase 3beta as a potential therapeutic target in synovial sarcoma and fibrosarcoma
2014 - 2017 Fluorescence imaging for investigation and treatment of bone and soft tissue tumors
2013 - 2017 Study of anticancer Pt complexes involving with non-covalent interactions and its application for drug
2011 - 2015 Efficacy of newly developed platinum complexes against osteosarcoma, bone targeting platinum and proteasome inhibitory platinum.
2011 - 2014 Treatment strategy and analysis of progression mechanism of musculoskeletal tumors using fluorescent imaging
2005 - 2007 蛍光蛋白同時発現細胞を用いた生体内での経時的細胞動態解析
2004 - 2006 Research of the chemotherapy for osteosarcoma with the liposome with amphipathic polyethylene glycol(PEG) encapsulating anticancer agent or caffeine.
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Papers (417):
Sei Morinaga, Qinghong Han, Kohei Mizuta, Byung Mo Kang, Chihiro Hozumi, Michael Bouvet, Norio Yamamoto, Katsuhiro Hayashi, Hiroaki Kimura, Shinji Miwa, et al. Recombinant Methioninase (rMETase) Synergistically Sensitizes Ivermectin-resistant MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells 9.9 Fold to Low-dose Ivermectin. Anticancer research. 2025. 45. 2. 451-455
Sei Morinaga, Qinghong Han, Kohei Mizuta, Byung Mo Kang, Michael Bouvet, Norio Yamamoto, Katsuhiro Hayashi, Hiroaki Kimura, Shinji Miwa, Kentaro Igarashi, et al. Elevated-c-MYC-expressing Fibrosarcoma Cells With Acquired Gemcitabine Resistance Remain Sensitive to Recombinant Methioninase: A Potential Clinical Strategy for a Recalcitrant Disease. Cancer diagnosis & prognosis. 2025. 5. 1. 8-14
Sei Morinaga, Qinghong Han, Kohei Mizuta, Byung Mo Kang, Norio Yamamoto, Katsuhiro Hayashi, Hiroaki Kimura, Shinji Miwa, Kentaro Igarashi, Takashi Higuchi, et al. Prostate Cancer Patient With Lymph-node Metastasis Treated Only With Methionine Restriction Has Stable Disease for Two Years Demonstrated With PET/CT and PSMA-PET Scanning and PSA Testing. Cancer diagnosis & prognosis. 2025. 5. 1. 27-31
Sei Morinaga, Qinghong Han, Kohei Mizuta, Byung Mo Kang, Norio Yamamoto, Katsuhiro Hayashi, Hiroaki Kimura, Shinji Miwa, Kentaro Igarashi, Takashi Higuchi, et al. Complete Response (CR) in a Previously-progressing Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) Patient Treated With Methionine Restriction in Combination With First-line Chemotherapy. Cancer diagnosis & prognosis. 2025. 5. 1. 21-26
Sei Morinaga, Ming Zhao, Kohei Mizuta, Byung Mo Kang, Michael Bouvet, Norio Yamamoto, Katsuhiro Hayashi, Hiroaki Kimura, Shinji Miwa, Kentaro Igarashi, et al. The Combination of Tumor-targeting Salmonella typhimurium A1-R Plus the Autophagy-inhibitor Chloroquine Synergistically Eradicates HT1080 Fibrosarcoma Cells In Vitro and In Vivo. In vivo (Athens, Greece). 2025. 39. 1. 102-109