J-GLOBAL ID:200901093188445647
Update date: Aug. 28, 2022
Matsuo Yukitada
マツオ ユキタダ | Matsuo Yukitada
Affiliation and department:
Other affiliations (1):
Research field (2):
Literature - General
, Literature - Chinese
Research keywords (6):
, A poetic convention referring to places
, 詩跡
, 中国文学
, 俳枕
, 歌枕
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
- Study on Chinese Classical Literature
- 中国古典文学研究
Papers (12):
松尾 幸忠. 中国人の思考形態に関する一考察-類書を一例にー. 中国詩文論叢. 2014. 33. 1-7
松尾 幸忠. 武夷山の詩跡化について-北宋初期までを中心にー. 中国詩文論叢. 2013. 32. 32. 105-113
MATSUO Yukitada. "Shiji"or Poetic Sites in Fujian : A Study of Mt. Wuyi in Various Historical Literature. Bulletin of the Faculty of Regional Studies, Gifu University. 2013. 33. 33. 11-19
松尾幸忠. 南宋の地方志に見られる詩跡的観点について. 中國文學硏究. 2006. 32. 53-61
松尾幸忠. 池州における二つの詩跡-斉山と杏花村-. 中国詩文論叢. 2006. 25. 25. 110-123
MISC (6):
松尾 幸忠. 中国古典詩を「漢詩の歌枕」から見直す. 図書新聞. 2015. 3215
How Yanziling-Diaotai Became a popular Poetic Subject-Xie Lingyun・Li Bo・Liu Changging-. Studies in Chinese Classical Literature. 1997. 14-32
An Essay on the Relation of "Xiao and Xiang". Studies in Chinese Classical Literature. 1995. 14集. 71-82
Du-Mu and Huangzhon Chibi・・・・an Essay on its Reputation as a poetic Subject. Studies in Chinese Classical Literature. 1989
The Stylistic and Prosodic Character of Du-Mu's Seven-Word Octets. Journal of the Waseda University Society of Chinese Literature. 1987
Books (5):
中国詩文研究会 2010 ISBN:9784990237615
中國古典文學論集 : 松浦友久博士追悼記念
研文出版 2006 ISBN:4876362599
続 校注 唐詩解釈辞典[付]歴代詩
大修館書店(共著) 2001
文化と風土の諸相(文理閣) 2000
文理閣 2000 ISBN:4892593699
Professional career (1):
Work history (2):
- 2010 - 2013 Gifu University Faculty of Regional Studies
- Gifu University Faculty of Regional Studies Professor
Association Membership(s) (4):
, 早稲田大学中国文学会
, 日本中国語学会
, 日本中国学会
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