J-GLOBAL ID:200901093844727247
Update date: Aug. 26, 2024
Koizumi Masahiro
コイズミ マサヒロ | Koizumi Masahiro
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Specially Appointed Professor
Research field (1):
Research keywords (7):
upper limb muscles
, trunk muscles
, brachial plexus
, shoulder girdle muscles
, innervation
, Comparative Anatomy
, Gross anatomy
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8):
- 2013 - 2016 四足動物の肩帯進化についての比較解剖学的および機能解剖学的研究
- 2008 - 2010 Clinical and comparative anatomical studies of the shoulder joint and its surrounding muscles
- 2003 - 2004 The clarification to the development and morphogenesis of the muscles, from the point of view of innervation and nerve analysis
- 1994 - 1994 単孔類上肢帯筋の系統発生学的研究
- 1993 - 1994 霊長類の烏口腕筋と筋皮神経
- A comparative anatomical study on the coracobrachialis muscle and its nerve supply.
- A study on the muscles and nerves of the shoulder region in monotremes.
- A study on the communication between the axillary and radial nerves in the upper limb.
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Papers (53):
Masahiro Koizumi. A new classification of the shoulder girdle muscles in domestic fowl based on their innervation from the brachial plexus. Anatomical Science International. 2023
Masahiro Koizumi. Comparative anatomy of the subscapularis, teres major and latissimus dorsi muscles from salamanders to mammals with special reference to their innervations from the brachial plexus. Anatomical Science International. 2022. 97. 1. 124-137
Masahiro Koizumi. Two mammalian species in which the intercostal nerves innervate the serratus anterior or scalenus muscles together with the cervical nerves: an important clue to clarify the homology of cervico-thoracic trunk muscles in mammals. Anatomical Science International. 2019. 94. 4. 295-306
Koizumi Masahiro, Emura Kenji, Arakawa Takamitsu, Gunji Megu, Yamada Tadasu. Invitation to gross comparative anatomy-Insights into the evolution of the locomotor system in mammals-. Honyurui Kagaku (Mammalian Science). 2018. 58. 1. 93-94
Masakazu Asahara, Masahiro Koizumi, Thomas E. Macrini, Suzanne J. Hand, Michael Archer. Comparative cranial morphology in living and extinct platypuses: Feeding behavior, electroreception, and loss of teeth. SCIENCE ADVANCES. 2016. 2. 10. 1-5
MISC (1):
山田 格, 本間 敏彦, 小泉 政啓. 肉眼解剖学的解析による霊長類上肢の系統発生に関する研究(III 共同利用研究 2.研究成果). 霊長類研究所年報. 1990. 20. 55-56
Books (4):
メディカル・サイエンス・インターナショナル 2008
西村書店 1999
風人社 1996
サイエンス・コミュニケーションズ・インターナショナル 1995
Lectures and oral presentations (44):
Comparative anatomy of the subscapularis muscle in domestic fowls
(The 124th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Anatomists 2019)
Comparative anatomy of the mammalian cervico-thoracic trunk muscles, based on the findings in koalas and cats
(The 123th annual meeting the Japanese association of Anatomists 2018)
"levator scapulae, rhomboideus and serratus anterior muscles are homologous with the intercostals externes" - the comparative anatomical study of the trunk muscles in cervicothoracic region -
Comparative anatomy of the subscapularis and teres major muscles in mammals
(The 122th annual meeting the Japanese association of Anatomists 2017)
Comparative anatomy of the shoulder girdle from salamanders to humans
Education (4):
- - 1981 The University of Tokyo
- - 1981 The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Science
- - 1979 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Science
- - 1979 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Science
Work history (10):
- 2022/04 - 現在 Tokyo Ariake University of Medical and Health Sciences Specially appointed professor
- 2009/04 - 2022/03 Tokyo Ariake University of Medical and Health Sciences Professor
- 2007/04 - 2009/03 Kumamoto University, Faculty of Medicine Department of Anatomy Associate professor
- 2005/04 - 2007/03 Kumamoto University, Faculty of Medicine Department of Anatomy
- 2002/04 - 2005/03 Kumamoto University School of Medicine
- 1996/11 - 2002/03 Kumamoto University School of Medicine
- 1993/04 - 1996/10 Juntendo University Faculty of Medicine
- 1989/04 - 1993/07 Iwate Medical University School of Medicine
- 1986/04 - 1989/03 Iwate Medical University School of Medicine
- 1981/04 - 1986/03 Juntendo University Faculty of Medicine
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Committee career (3):
- 2018/04 - 2022/03 東洋療法研修試験財団 あん摩マッサージ指圧師,はり師及びきゅう師国家試験委員
- 2017/04 - 2019/03 日本解剖学会 賞・研究費候補者選考委員会委員
- 2008/07 - 2016/03 東洋療法研修試験財団 あん摩マッサージ指圧師,はり師及びきゅう師国家試験委員
Association Membership(s) (1):
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