TABATA Taketo. The Quality Verification of National Assessment of Academic Ability -The Comparison of 2016, 2018, 2021, and 2022-. Bulletin of Miyagi University of Education. 2024. 58. 103-116
TABATA Taketo, ABE Akito. Evidence Based Education Focused on Non-cognitive Skills and Classroom Climates -The Trial in a 3rd Grade Elementary School Class-. Bulletin of Miyagi University of Education. 2024. 58. 199-207
Taketo TABATA. Is the Number of Books at Home Appropriate as an Indicator of SES? - Verification through Multifaceted Analysis of the National Achievement of Academic Ability, PISA, and TIMSS -. Bulletin of Miyagi University of Education Graduate School for Teacher Training. 2024. 5. 93-100
TABATA Taketo. Data Scientific Turn of Educational Phenomenology - Based on National Scholastic Tests -. Phenomenology of Learning and Teaching. 2023. 20. 64-130
田端 健人, 菅原 敏, 板垣 将大, 原田 信之, 丸山 千佳子, 久保 順也, 本図 愛実. 学力/非認知能力に対する対話・探究学習効果のデータサイエンス : 全国学力・学習状況調査の分析を中心に-Data Science for Effect Size of Dialogue and Inquiry-based Learning on Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Skills : Focusing on the National Assessment of Academic Ability. 宮城教育大学教職大学院紀要 = Bulletin of Miyagi University of Education, Graduate School for Teacher Training / 宮城教育大学教職大学院 [編]. 2022. 4. 91-109
On-line Classes at University under COVID-19 Pandemic: Based on the Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of the Survey. 2021. 2. 53-72
Therapeutic Effects of philosophy for children (p4c) Hawaiian Style : Phenomenological Approach to the Community of Inquiry in Dialogue. 2016. 51. 133-147
The Metaself Awakens in the philosophy for children (p4c) : The Phenomenological Psychology of the Community Dialogue. 2016. 4. 11-23
An Acceptance of Others in the educational Relation : On the Criticism of Martin Buber to Carl Rogers. 2014. 49. 237-246
Verification and comparison over time of the National Assessment of Academic Ability by the IRT analysis software EasyEstimation
Paideia Press 2022 ISBN:9784991108129