J-GLOBAL ID:200901094486550190
Update date: Dec. 28, 2012
Tsuda Yuji
ツダ ユウジ | Tsuda Yuji
Research field (1):
Literature - European
Research keywords (2):
, Middle English
Research theme for competitive and other funds (2):
- ME作品に於けるOld Norse語彙の用法に関する研究
- Study on the Usage of Old Norse in Middle English Literature
MISC (4):
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight における告解と罪障消滅について. 岡山学院大学紀要. 2002. 1
Sir Gawain and the Green KnightにおけるSir Gawainの誠実について. 岡山女子短期大学紀要. 1998. 21
Some Thoughts on Sir Gawain's Sincerity in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. THE JOURNAL OF Okayama Women's College. 1998. 21
On Interpretation of the Use of Old Norse Vocabulary in ┣DBSir(/)-┫DB ┣DBGawain(/)-┫DB ┣DBand(/)-┫DB ┣DBthe(/)-┫DB ┣DBGreen(/)-┫DB ┣DBKnight(/)-┫DB. 1990
Professional career (1):
Work history (1):
- Okayama Gakuin University Faculty of Human Services, Department of Human Communication
Association Membership(s) (2):
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