J-GLOBAL ID:200901094736536598
Update date: Aug. 28, 2020
Sayaka Yoshino
Sayaka Yoshino
Research field (1):
Mathematical physics and basic theory
Research theme for competitive and other funds (1):
Study on Topics Related to Inversion Problem
Papers (5):
S. Yoshino. On the dispersion relation of simply periodic waves and the corresponding spectra in the Toda lattice. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General. 1997. 30. 14. 5207-5224
S. Yoshino. Analytic expressions for asymptotic forms of continued-fraction coefficients in the presence of a spectral gap. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General. 1988. 21. 7. 1533-1547
吉野, さやか. Analytic properties of the recursion method in the presence of band gaps. Journal of Physics A : Mathematical and General. 1987. 20. 13
吉野, さやか. Electronic States of Disordered Binary Alloys with Strong Off-Diagonal Disorder. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 1983. 52. 5
吉野, さやか. Numerical Study of Electron Localization in Anderson Model for Disordered Systems. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan. 1977. 43. 2
Books (3):
Analytic Properties of the Recursion Method in Condensed Matter Physics
培風館 1985
Anderson Localization
Springer 1982
Education (3):
1974 - 1975 The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Engineering Applied Physics
1972 - 1974 The University of Tokyo Graduate School, Division of Engineering Applied Physics
- 1972 The University of Tokyo Faculty of Engineering
Professional career (1):
工学博士 (東京大学)
Work history (3):
1977/04/01 - University of Tsukuba Institute of Materials Science
1975/04/01 - 1977/03/31 The University of Tokyo The Faculty of Engineering
University of Tsukuba Faculty of Pure and Applied Sciences Assistant Professor
Association Membership(s) (1):
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