Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
2004 - ファージディスプレイ法を用いた白血病の分子標的治療法の開発
1997 - 脂肪細胞の酸化ストレス応答と代謝症候群との関連性の解明
study on the Binding Sites of Ionic Channels and Transporters.
MISC (75):
MG Kolonin, L Bover, J Sun, AJ Zurita, KA Do, J Lahdenranta, M Cardo-Vila, RJ Giordano, DE Jaalouk, MG Ozawa, et al. Ligand-directed surface profiling of human cancer cells with combinatorial peptide libraries. CANCER RESEARCH. 2006. 66. 1. 34-40
MG Kolonin, L Bover, J Sun, AJ Zurita, KA Do, J Lahdenranta, M Cardo-Vila, RJ Giordano, DE Jaalouk, MG Ozawa, et al. Ligand-directed surface profiling of human cancer cells with combinatorial peptide libraries. CANCER RESEARCH. 2006. 66. 1. 34-40