J-GLOBAL ID:200901094964437141
Update date: Dec. 18, 2024
Wakihara Masataka
ワキハラ マサタカ | Wakihara Masataka
Affiliation and department:
Tokyo Institute of Technology
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Job title:
Professor Emeritus
Research field (1):
Inorganic and coordination chemistry
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
Lithium Ionic Conductivity and Surface Rection of All Solid State Devices
Nobel High Energy Density Anode Material for Large-scale Secondary Battery Using Nano-scale Metal Particle
MISC (267):
Masanobu Nakayama, Kazumoto Miwa, Hiromasa Ikuta, Hirofumi Hinode, Masataka Wakihara. Electronic structure of intercalation compounds of CoxNbS2. CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS. 2006. 18. 21. 4996-5001
Masanobu Nakayama, Junichi Shirakawa, Masataka Wakihara. Ab initio density functional study on changes in local structure in perovskite compound, LixLa1/3NbO3. SOLID STATE IONICS. 2006. 177. 15-16. 1259-1266
Y Masuda, M Seki, M Nakayama, M Wakihara, H Mita. Study on ionic conductivity of polymer electrolyte plasticized with PEG-aluminate ester for rechargeable lithium ion battery. SOLID STATE IONICS. 2006. 177. 9-10. 843-846
T Kashiwagi, M Nakayama, K Watanabe, M Wakihara, Y Kobayashi, H Miyashiro. Relationship between the electrochemical behavior and Li arrangement in LixMyMn2-yO4 (M = Co, Cr) with spinel structure. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B. 2006. 110. 10. 4998-5004
W Ra, M Nakayama, W Cho, M Wakihara, Y Uchimoto. Electronic and local structural changes in Li2+xTi3O7 ramsdellite compounds upon electrochemical Li-ion insertion reactions by X-ray absorption spectroscopy. PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 2006. 8. 7. 882-889
Books (8):
シーエムシー出版シーエムシー出版 2003
ミースラー・タール 無機化学
丸善丸善 2003
Advances in Lithium-Ion Batteries
Kluwer Academic / Plenum PublishersKluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers 2002
Advances in Lithium-Ion Batteries
Kluwer Academic / Plenum PublishersKluwer Academic / Plenum Publishers 2002
丸善丸善 2001
Works (2):
NEDO International Research Project "Pioneering Development of High-Energy Lithium Batteries"
1996 - 1998
NEDO International Research Project "Pioneering Development of High-Energy Lithium Batteries"
1996 - 1998
Education (4):
- 1971 Tokyo Institute of Technology Graduate School, Division of Science and Engineering
- 1971 Tokyo Institute of Technology Science of Engineering Chemistry
- 1966 Tokyo University of Science Faculty of Science
- 1966 Tokyo University of Science
Professional career (1):
Work history (3):
1989 - - 東京工業大学 教授
1982 - - 東京工業大学 助教授
1971 - - 東京工業大学 助手
Committee career (6):
1998 - 電気化学会 普及委員会委員長
1998 - 日本化学会 代議員
1995 - 1996 熱測定学会 編集委員会委員長
1994 - 固体イオニクス学会 幹事
1994 - 電気化学会 電池技術委員会幹事
1990 - 電気化学会 固体化学の新しい指針を探る研究会幹事
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Association Membership(s) (7):
, 日本セラミックス学会
, 熱測定学会
, 固体イオニクス学会
, 電気化学会
, 米国電気化学会
, 日本化学会
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