J-GLOBAL ID:200901095689312836
Update date: Nov. 19, 2024
Kozuma Mikio
コウヅマ ミキオ | Kozuma Mikio
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Research field (1):
Semiconductors, optical and atomic physics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (13):
- 2017 - 2020 Entropy control in optical lattice system using a quantum gas microscope
- 2016 - 2018 冷却フェルミ原子気体に対する量子気体顕微鏡を利用したd波超伝導状態の実現
- 2016 - 2018 Laser Cooling of Europium Atoms
- 2014 - 2016 光格子原子顕微鏡で探索する人工ゲージ場が織り成す非平衡現象
- 2011 - 2011 単一原子分解能をもつ位相差顕微鏡で探る冷却原子マクロ量子系のダイナミクス
- 2010 - 2011 縮退イッテルビウム原子集団を用いたクラスター量子計算の実現
- 2010 - 2011 磁気ダイポール相互作用をするルビジウムボース凝縮体が発現する新奇な物性の探索
- 2008 - 2010 Creation of the quantum cat state by using the collisional interaction of Bose-Einstein condensate and estimation of the quantum state
- 2006 - 2007 Controlling the higher dimensional entanglement between light and cold atoms
- 2003 - 2005 スーパー磁気光学トラップの生成とそれを利用した量子情報処理に関する研究
- 2001 - 2002 Realization of coherent matter wave fiber with time orbiting optical potential
- 1999 - 2002 Physics of Laser Cooling and Atomic Gas BEC
- 1997 - 1999 Quantum Optics with Cold Atoms (Inhibition of Spontaneous Emission, Quantum Zeno Effect, and Bose-Einstein Condensation)
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Papers (55):
Martin Miranda, Nobuyuki Takei, Yuki Miyazawa, Mikio Kozuma. Multi-Harmonic Modulation in a Fiber-Optic Gyroscope. Sensors. 2023. 23. 9. 4442-4442
Nobuyuki Takei, Martin Miranda, Yuki Miyazawa, Mikio Kozuma. Simultaneous Suppression of Thermal Phase Noise and Relative Intensity Noise in a Fiber-Optic Gyroscope. IEEE Sensors Journal. 2023. 23. 3. 2249-2254
Yuki Miyazawa, Ryotaro Inoue, Hiroki Matsui, Gyohei Nomura, Mikio Kozuma. Bose-Einstein Condensation of Europium. Physical Review Letters. 2022. 129. 22
Hiroki Matsui, Yuki Miyazawa, Ryotaro Inoue, Mikio Kozuma. Understanding one-body losses in magnetically trapped metastable europium atoms. Optics Communications. 2022. 502. 127408-127408
Yuki Miyazawa, Ryotaro Inoue, Hiroki Matsui, Kenta Takanashi, Mikio Kozuma. Narrow-line magneto-optical trap for europium. Physical Review A. 2021. 103. 5
MISC (24):
Arikawa M., Honda K., Akamatsu D., Nagatsuka S., Furusawa A., Kozuma M. 28aSD-5 Observation of Bichromatic Electromagnetically Induced Transparency for a Squeezed Vacuum. Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2009. 64. 1. 149-149
Akiba Keiichirou, Kashiwagi Kousuke, Arikawa Manabu, Kozuma Mikio. 25pQD-16 Storage and Retrieval of Conditional Single Photons with Electromagnetically Induced Transparency. Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2008. 63. 1. 189-189
Kashiwagi K., Akiba K., Kozuma M. 23pRH-4 Estimation of parametric fluorescence toward Quantum memory. Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2007. 62. 2. 191-191
Arikawa Manabu, Honda Kazuhito, Akamatsu Daisuke, Yokoi Yoshihiko, Akiba Keiichirou, Nagatsuka Satoshi, Furusawa Akira, Kozuma Mikio. 22pRH-6 Observation of Electromagnetically Induced Transparency for a Squeezed Vacuum with the Time Domain Method. Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2007. 62. 2. 179-179
Honda K., Akamatsu D., Arikawa M., Yokoi Y., Akiba K., Nagatsuka T., Furusawa A., Kozuma M. 22pRH-11 Storage and Retrieval of a Squeezed Vacuum with Electromagneto Induced Transparency. Meeting abstracts of the Physical Society of Japan. 2007. 62. 2. 181-181
Education (3):
- 1994 - 1997 Tokyo Institute of Technology Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering
- 1992 - 1994 Tokyo Institute of Technology Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Science and Engineering
- 1989 - 1992 Tokyo Institute of Technology School of Science
Professional career (1):
- Doctor of Engineering (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
Work history (12):
- 2024/10 - 現在 Institute of Science Tokyo Quantum Navigation Research Center Director
- 2024/04 - 現在 JST K Program 研究代表者
- 2021/04 - 現在 東京工業大学 科学技術創成研究院 教授
- 2021/02 - 現在 量子技術イノベーション拠点 量子センサ拠点 拠点長
- 2020/12 - 現在 JST 共創の場形成支援プログラム 政策重点分野 プロジェクトリーダー
- 2017/11 - 2024/03 JST 未来社会創造事業 大規模プロジェクト型 プログラムマネージャー
- 2013/02 - 2021/03 東京工業大学 理学院 物理学系 教授
- 2001/10 - 2013/01 東京工業大学 大学院理工学研究科 物性物理学専攻 准教授
- 1998/05 - 2001/09 東京大学 大学院総合文化研究科 相関基礎科学系 物理 助手
- 1997/05 - 1998/05 米国国立標準技術研究所(NIST) 客員研究員
- 1997/04 - 1998/05 日本学術振興会 特別研究員 PD
- 1994/04 - 1997/03 日本学術振興会 特別研究員(DC1)
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Association Membership(s) (2):
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