J-GLOBAL ID:200901096056659655
Update date: May. 24, 2023
Mizushina Yoshiyuki
ミズシナ ヨシユキ | Mizushina Yoshiyuki
Affiliation and department:
Job title:
Associate Professor
Other affiliations (3):
大学院食品薬品総合科学研究科 食品薬品総合科学専攻
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (4):
Food sciences
, Molecular biology
, Functional biochemistry
, Molecular biochemistry
Research keywords (8):
, 食品科学
, 化学生物学
, 栄養分子生化学
, 生物有機科学
, Molecular Nutritional Science
, Molecular Biology
, Bioorganic Chemistry
Research theme for competitive and other funds (11):
- 2004 - 抗がん機能性食品の開発
- 2002 - 食品製造工程で生じる廃棄物から新規な生理活性の探索と有効利用(機能性食品)開発研究
- 2001 - 食品成分・栄養素の新規な生理活性の探索と機能性食品の開発研究
- 2001 - 食品素材からの高等生物DNAポリメラーゼ阻害物質の探索研究
- 2000 - 抗炎症機能性を有する食品・化粧品・医薬品の開発研究
- 1998 - DNAポリメラーゼ阻害糖脂質の抗がん剤開発
- 1998 - DNAポリメラーゼβを阻害する低分子有機化合物の結合様式の研究
- 抗がん剤の開発のための基礎研究
- Relationship of DNA metabolism and fatty acid metabolism
- Study on the inhibitory action of fatty acids on DNA Polymerase β
- Screening of natural products the selectively inhibit the activity of eukaryotic DNA polymerases
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MISC (460):
Hiromi Yoshida, Takaaki Tanigawa, Isoko Kuriyama, Naoko Yoshida, Yuka Tomiyama, Yoshiyuki Mizushina. Variation in Fatty Acid Distribution of Different Acyl Lipids in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Brans. NUTRIENTS. 2011. 3. 4. 505-514
Hiromi Yoshida, Takaaki Tanigawa, Isoko Kuriyama, Naoko Yoshida, Yuka Tomiyama, Yoshiyuki Mizushina. Variation in Fatty Acid Distribution of Different Acyl Lipids in Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Brans. NUTRIENTS. 2011. 3. 4. 505-514
N. Maeda, K. Matsubara, H. Yoshida, Y. Mizushina. Anti-cancer effect of spinach glycoglycerolipids as angiogenesis inhibitors based on the selective inhibition of DNA polymerase activity. Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry. 2011. 11. 1. 32-38
Kazuki Kobayashi, Shin Nishiumi, Masayuki Nishida, Midori Hirai, Takeshi Azuma, Hiromi Yoshida, Yoshiyuki Mizushina, Masaru Yoshida. Effects of quinone derivatives, such as 1,4-naphthoquinone, on DNA polymerase inhibition and anti-inflammatory action. Medicinal Chemistry. 2011. 7. 1. 37-44
Kazuki Kobayashi, Shin Nishiumi, Masayuki Nishida, Midori Hirai, Takeshi Azuma, Hiromi Yoshida, Yoshiyuki Mizushina, Masaru Yoshida. Effects of quinone derivatives, such as 1,4-naphthoquinone, on DNA polymerase inhibition and anti-inflammatory action. Medicinal Chemistry. 2011. 7. 1. 37-44
Patents (27):
Books (9):
Handbook of Nutritional Biochemistry: Genomics, Metabolomics and Food Supply,(Inhibitory mechanism of longer chain fatty acids on mammalian DNA polymerase activity)
Nova Science Publishers (Ed. Sondre Haugen and Simen Meijer) 2010 ISBN:9781607419167
Bioactive Foods in Promoting Health: Fruits and Vegetables,(Spinach and health: Anti-cancer effect)
Elsevier (Ed. Mihail Păcurar and Gavril Krejci) 2010 ISBN:9780123746283
Garlic Consumption and Health,(Inhibitory effects of diallyl sulfides from garlic (Allium sativum L.) on family X DNA polymerase activity, and human cancer cell growth)
Nova Science Publishers (Ed. Mihail Păcurar and Gavril Krejci) 2009 ISBN:9781607416425
Handbook of Green Tea and Health Research,(Inhibitory effect of catechin derivatives from green tea on DNA polymerase activity, human cancer cell growth, and TPA (12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate)-induced inflammation)
Nova Science Publishers (Ed. Helen McKinley and Mark Jamieson) 2009 ISBN:9781607410454
Handbook of Green Tea and Health Research,(Green tea catechin as angiogenesis inhibitor)
Nova Science Publishers (Ed. Helen McKinley and Mark Jamieson) 2009 ISBN:9781607410454
Works (1):
Education (5):
- 1996 - 1998 Tokyo University of Science
- - 1998 Tokyo University of Science Graduate School, Division of Science and Engineering
- 1994 - 1996 Tokyo University of Science
- 1990 - 1994 Tokyo University of Science Faculty of Science and Technology Applied Biological Science
- - 1994 Tokyo University of Science Faculty of Science and Engineering
Professional career (2):
- (BLANK) (Tokyo University of Science)
- (BLANK) (Tokyo University of Science)
Work history (8):
- 2010/03 - 現在 Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine
- 2007/04 - 現在 Kobe Gakuin University
- 2006/04 - 現在 (独)産業技術総合研究所 健康工学研究部門 客員研究員
- 2007/04 - 2007/07 米国オハイオ州立シンシナティ大学医学部 訪問研究員
- 2004/04 - 2007/03 Kobe Gakuin University
- 2001/04 - 2004/03 Kobe Gakuin University
- 1998/04 - 2001/03 Tokyo University of Science
- 1998 - 2000 Science University of Tokyo,Research Assistant
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Committee career (5):
- - 現在 日本栄養・食糧学会 代議員
- - 現在 日本生化学会 近畿支部幹事
- - 現在 The Open Food Science Journal 編集長(Editor-in-Chief)
- - 現在 兵庫県バイオ技術研究会 顧問
- - 現在 日本栄養・食糧学会 近畿支部 参与
Awards (6):
Association Membership(s) (8):
, 日本生化学会
, 日本食品科学工学会
, 日本油化学会
, 日本癌学会
, 日本分子生物学会
, 日本栄養・食糧学会
, 日本農芸化学会
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