J-GLOBAL ID:200901096136331839
Update date: Jan. 06, 2023
Takagi Sho
タカギ ショウ | Takagi Sho
Affiliation and department:
Former Institution / Organization Tohoku University Hospital Gastroenterology
About Former Institution / Organization Tohoku University Hospital Gastroenterology
Search "Former Institution / Organization Tohoku University Hospital Gastroenterology"
Job title:
Assistant Professor
MISC (45):
S Oomori, S Takagi, T Kikuchi, K Utsunomiya, H Yokoyama, K Negoro, Y Tohmiya, H Aihara, M Yamada, S Takahashi, et al. Significance of colonoscopy in patients with intestinal graft-versus-host disease after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. ENDOSCOPY. 2005. 37. 4. 346-350
S Oomori, S Takagi, T Kikuchi, K Utsunomiya, H Yokoyama, K Negoro, Y Tohmiya, H Aihara, M Yamada, S Takahashi, et al. Significance of colonoscopy in patients with intestinal graft-versus-host disease after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. ENDOSCOPY. 2005. 37. 4. 346-350
Y Kinouchi, K Negoro, S Takagi, S Takahashi, T Shimosegawa. Genotype and phenotype relation in inflammatory bowel disease. JOURNAL OF GASTROENTEROLOGY. 2005. 40. 21-24
樋渡 信夫, 織内 竜生, 前川 浩樹, 小島 康弘, 根来 健一, 高木 承, 相原 裕之, 高橋 成一, 木内 喜孝. 【消化管の出血性疾患2005】 疾患各論 Crohn病. 胃と腸. 2005. 40. 4. 616-620
【Crohn病の初期病変 診断と長期経過】 アフタのみから成るCrohn病の長期経過. 胃と腸. 2005. 40. 6. 912-917
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