J-GLOBAL ID:200901097353575980
Update date: Sep. 22, 2022
Yokoyama Yukio
ヨコヤマ ユキオ | Yokoyama Yukio
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (1):
Analytical chemistry
Papers (13):
Yukio Yokoyama, Takeru Fujishima, Kazuki Kurota. Fast and efficient separation and determination of UV-absorbing amino acids, nucleobases, and creatinine using a carboxyfunctionalized cation-exchange column. Analytical Sciences. 2015. 31. 5. 371-376
Yukio Yokoyama, Risa Kanazawa, Haruka Ukishima. Simultaneous Determination of Imidazole Amino Acids, Aromatic Amino Acids, and Creatinine by Dual-Mode Gradient HPLC Using a Low-Capacity Sulfo-Functionalized Poly(Ethylstyrene-Divinylbenzene) Resin Column. CHROMATOGRAPHIA. 2014. 77. 1-2. 51-57
Yukio Yokoyama, Ayaka Yokokawa, Kodai Noguchi, Tomoko Tanabe. Polyfunctional low-capacity cation-exchange packing material for the separation of underivatized amino acids. Talanta. 2013. 103. 245-251
Yukio Yokoyama, Hidetaka Kubo, Hisakuni Sato. Highly sensitive spectrophotometric determination of cationic surfactants in ground waters as their Cu(II)-TPPS aggregates preceded by solid-phase fractionation. TALANTA. 2008. 77. 2. 667-672
Yukio Yokoyama, Rui Hirajima, Ken Morigaki, Yoshitaka Yamaguchi, Kazuyoshi Ueda. Alkali-cation affinities of polyoxyethylene dodecylethers and helical conformations of their cationized molecules studied by electrospray mass spectrometry. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR MASS SPECTROMETRY. 2007. 18. 11. 1914-1920
Professional career (1):
D.Eng. (Yokohama National University)
Work history (1):
Yokohama National University Faculty of Environment and Information Sciences Division of Natural Environment and Information /
Association Membership(s) (5):
, クロマトグラフィー科学会
, 日本化学会
, 日本質量分析学会
, 日本分析化学会
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