Research theme for competitive and other funds (5):
Biology of Taeniid cestodes
Epidemiology and prevention of Echinococcus
MISC (99):
奥 祐三郎. ”北海道のエキノコックス.”. はらのむし通信. 2003. 183. 3-12
NONAKA, N., OKU, Y. and KAMIYA, M. Control and management of parasitic zoonoses maintained in wildlife : A trial of Hokkaido University against Echinococcosis. Technology Innovation and its Relations to Humanities and Social Sciences. M. Nakamura and K・・・. Sapporo, Hokkaido University Press. 2003. 93-100
GANZORIG, S., OKU, Y., OKAMOTO, M. and KAMIYA, M. "Species identification of a taeniid cestode from snow leopard, Uncia unicia Schreber, 1779(Felidae) in Mongolia.". Mongolian Journal of Biological Sciences. 2003. 1. 1. 21-23