J-GLOBAL ID:200901098418481500
Update date: Jun. 06, 2020
Yamauchi Kiyoshi
ヤマウチ キヨシ | Yamauchi Kiyoshi
Affiliation and department:
Research field (4):
Composite materials and interfaces
, Polymer chemistry
, Biomaterials
, Biomedical engineering
Research keywords (3):
, Polymer Chemistry
, Biomaterials Engineering
Research theme for competitive and other funds (8):
- 1985 - 人工生体膜の設計と機能
- ケラチンなど天然高分子の工学的利用
- タンパク質再構成体およびタンパク質・無機物複合体の製造と利用
- 生体物質の再構成と新材料としての利用
- Industrial applications of structural proteins such as keratins
- Protein/inorganics composites, preparation and applications
- Biomembrane models of Extremophile Lipids
- Reconstitution and Application of Biomaterials
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MISC (6):
K Yamauchi, N Takeuchi, A Kurimoto, T Tanabe. Films of collagen crosslinked by S-S bonds: preparation and characterization. BIOMATERIALS. 2001. 22. 8. 855-863
Thiolated dermal bovine collagen as a novel support for bioactive substances: conjugation woth lysozyme. Elsevier/J. Biotechnology. 2001. 86. 1. 1-8
New Polymers which undergo cross-linking reaction by oxidation. Polymer Applications. 2001. 50. 4. 153-157
Perspective in chemistry and applications of keratins. High Polymers, Japan. 2001. 50. 4. 240-243
Other publications (97 articles, 13 reviews and 4 books concerning on the functions and applications of lipids, polymers, proteins, etc.). J. Am. Chem. Soc., Macromolecules, Biochim. Biophys. Acta, J. Biochem., etc. 1970. 0. 0
Books (1):
Cultivation of fibroblast cells on keratin-coated substrata.
Polymers for Tissue Engineering 1999
Works (1):
Professional career (1):
- Ph.D. (West Virginia University)
Awards (2):
- 2002 - 促進中国西部国際学術奨励賞
- 1975 - 日本化学会進歩賞
Association Membership(s) (4):
, 高分子学会
, 日本化学会
, アメリカ化学会
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