Research field (4):
, Biomedical engineering
, Environmental dynamics
, Intelligent informatics
Research keywords (10):
3D Medical image processing
, Video image processing
, Face image processing
, Image measurement
, Remote sensing
, 3次元医用画像処理
, 動画像処理
, 顔画像認識
, 画像計測
, リモートセンシング
Research theme for competitive and other funds (10):
2004 - 2005 Study on 3 Dimensional registration for pipe-shaped objects with branches
1998 - 2000 Development of hierarchical software for the processing of remotely sensed multi-dimensional images to be used for the evaluation of global environment
1995 - 1996 Study on the digitization of 3 dimentional shape of cultural properties
1993 - 1994 Improvement in Resolution by Using Multiple Projections for Coded Aperture Emission CT
1991 - 1992 Study on Unified Hierarchical Processing of Multi-Dimensional Image-Data
1991 - 1991 衛星リモ-トセンシングデ-タを用いた都市内緑地のモニタリング
1990 - 1990 リモ-トセンシング画像の高次階層処理に関する研究
1990 - 1990 衛星リモ-トセンシングデ-タを用いた都市内緑地のモニタリング
1989 - 1989 急激な都市化に伴う環境影響の遠隔計測を用いた評価手法の基礎研究
1987 - 1987 遠隔計測による都市の危険度評価に関する基礎研究
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Papers (37):
Hiroshi Hanaizumi, Aya Otahara. A Method for Measuring Three-Dimensional Human Joint Movements in Walking. Proceedings of the SICE Annual Conference 2021. 2021. 1473-1478
Hiroshi Hanaizumi, Haruhi Misono. An OpenPose Based Method to Detect Texting while Walking. Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on,Intelligent Systems and Image Processing 2019. 2019. 130-134
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc.,Member
, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. Member
, 計測自動制御学会 会員
, 電子情報通信学会 会員