J-GLOBAL ID:200901098860934882   Update date: Jul. 30, 2022

Fukabori Masashi

フカボリ マサシ | Fukabori Masashi
Affiliation and department:
Job title: Head
Homepage URL  (2): http://www.mri-jma.go.jp/http://www.mri-jma.go.jp/Welcome-sjis.html
Research field  (2): Basic physical chemistry ,  Atmospheric and hydrospheric science
Research keywords  (8): 地球温暖化 ,  分子分光学 ,  大気放射学 ,  気象学 ,  Global Warming ,  Molecular Spectroscopy ,  Atmospheric Radiation ,  Meteorology
Research theme for competitive and other funds  (2):
  • 大気微量気体の吸収特性に関する実験研究
  • Experimental Study on Absorption Properties of Trace Gases
MISC (19):
Books (1):
  • 地球大気の分光リモートセンシング
    学会出版センター 2001
Education (4):
  • - 1985 Tohoku University
  • - 1985 Tohoku University Graduate School, Division of Natural Science Department of Geophysics
  • - 1978 Yamagata University Faculty of Science
  • - 1978 Yamagata University Faculty of Science Physics
Professional career (1):
  • Doctor of Science (Tohoku University)
Work history (5):
  • 1987/04 - 現在 Meteorological Research Institute
  • 1985/06 - 1987/03 東北大学理学助手
  • - 1987 Science, Tohoku University (1985 June-1987 March)
  • 1987 - Meteorological Research Institute (1987 April-to date)
  • Research Assistant, Faculty of
Awards (1):
  • 1991 - リモートセンシング学会優秀論文発表賞
Association Membership(s) (8):
応用物理学会 ,  日本分光学会 ,  日本気象学会 ,  日本化学会 ,  The Japan Society of Applied Physics ,  The Spectroscopical Society of Japan ,  The Meteorological Society of Japan ,  The Chemical Society of Japan
※ Researcher’s information displayed in J-GLOBAL is based on the information registered in researchmap. For details, see here.

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