J-GLOBAL ID:200901099224444197
Update date: Jun. 14, 2018
Shukunami Tatsushiro
シュクナミ タツシロウ | Shukunami Tatsushiro
Affiliation and department:
Homepage URL (1):
Research field (3):
Business administration
, Web and service informatics
, Information security
Research keywords (1):
Content Marketing, Media Policy, Management Information, Information Economics, Information Industry, Internet Business
Papers (17):
Tatsushiro Shukunami. The Transformation and the Future Challenges of Content Distribution in Japan. Keio Communication Review. 2010. 32. 25-40
電子書籍の課題と可能性. 京都新聞 2010年2月26日. 2010. 文化(21)面
宿南達志郎. 書評 田中辰雄・矢崎敬人・村上礼子『ブロードバンド市場の経済分析』. 『三田学会雑誌』. 2009. 102. 2. 239-242
宿南達志郎. コンテンツ流通の変容と今後の課題. 映像学. 2009. 2
宿南達志郎. 迷惑メール対策に関する総合的分析. 情報通信学会誌. 2008. 26. 1. 29-42
Books (5):
水曜社 2008
慶應義塾大学出版会 2007
有斐閣 2006
PHP研究所 2000
The Race for Value-Added Services: Challenges and Opportunities in the U.S., Japan, and the U.K.
Program on Information Resources Policy, Harvard University 1988
Lectures and oral presentations (9):
(第26回情報通信学会全国大会 2009)
Examination on the Effectiveness of Anti-spam E-mail Measures
(International Telecommunications Society 2007)
(第24回情報通信学会全国大会 2007)
(第23回情報通信学会全国大会 2006)
Education (3):
- - 2008 Institute of Information Security Graduate shool of Information Security Information Security
- - 1981 Graduate School of Management, University of California at Los Angeles (U.S.A.) Graduate School, Division of Business Administration Marketing
- - 1975 Kyoto University Faculty of Economics Economics
Professional career (2):
- Ph.D in Informatics (Institute of Information Security)
- Master of Business Administration (University of California at Los Angeles)
Work history (11):
- 2007/04/01 - Ritsumeikan University College of Image Arts and Sciences
- 2004/04/01 - 2007/03/31 Professor, Institute for Media and Communications Research, Keio University
- 2000/04/01 - 2004/03/31 NTTドコモ(NTT DoCoMo USA,Washington D.C. Division 社長など)
- 1999/04/01 - 2000/03/31 Kobe University Graduate School of Business Administration
- 1998/04/01 - 1999/03/31 Kobe University School of Business Administration
- 1987/03/01 - 1998/03/31 日本電信電話株式会社
- 1986/03/01 - 1987/02/28 日本電信電話株式会社(ハーバード大学情報資源政策プログラム客員研究員)
- 1985/04/01 - 1986/02/28 日本電信電話株式会社
- 1975/04/01 - 1985/03/31 日本電信電話公社
- 1979/07/21 - 1981/07/20 日本電信電話公社(カリフォルニア大学大学院留学)
- Ritsumeikan University College of Image Arts and Sciences, Department of Image Arts and Sciences Professor
Show all
Committee career (3):
- 2010/07 - 情報通信学会 評議員
- 2008/04 - 2010/06 情報通信学会 研究企画委員会 副委員長
- 2006/04 - 2010/06 情報通信学会 理事
Association Membership(s) (2):
Society of Public Utility Economics
, The Japan Society of Information and Communication Research
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