Research keywords (3):
Materials Science, Dental Biomaterials
, Department of Oral Functional Reconstruction
, Division of Biomaterials
Research theme for competitive and other funds (10):
2017 - 2020 Development of artificial enamel and dentin based on biomimetics for novel dental restoration system
2005 - 2006 Development of a Robot for Low-Level-Laser Treatment -Evaluation and Improvement of Experimental Robot-
1998 - 1999 強および弱電解酸性水による義歯床の滅菌方法の確立
1997 - 歯科用器具の滅菌処理
1997 - 電解水の殺菌効果
1997 - Sterilization of dental instruments
1997 - Bactericidal activity of Electrolyzed water
1996 - 1996 歯科応用におけるNi-Ti形状記憶合金の生体安全性
1989 - 合着用セメントのコンシステンシー
Consistency of Luting cement
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Papers (5):
Keiko Nakamura, Kiyoshi Tajima, Ker-Kong Chen, Yuki Nagamatsu, Hiroshi Kakigawa, Shin-ich Masumi. Dental application of novel finite element analysis software for three-dimensional finite element modeling of a dentulous mandible from its computed tomography images. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART H-JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE. 2013. 227. 12. 1312-1318
Che-Shun Wang, Ker-Kong Chen, Kiyoshi Tajima, Yuki Nagamatsu, Hiroshi Kakigawa, Yoshio Kozono. Effects of sandblasting media and steam cleaning on bond strength of titanium-porcelain. DENTAL MATERIALS JOURNAL. 2010. 29. 4. 381-391
Kiyoshi Tajima, Ker-Kong Chen, Nobusuke Takahashi, Naoaki Noda, Yuki Nagamatsu, Hiroshi Kakigawa. Three-dimensional finite element modeling from CT images of tooth and its validation. DENTAL MATERIALS JOURNAL. 2009. 28. 2. 219-226
Kiyoshi Tajima, Masahisa Hironaka, Ker-Kong Chen, Yuki Nagamatsu, Hiroshi Kakigawa, Yoshio Kozono. Electropolishing of CP titanium and its alloys in an alcoholic solution-based electrolyte. DENTAL MATERIALS JOURNAL. 2008. 27. 2. 258-265
HW Dong, Y Nagamatsu, KK Chen, K Tajima, H Kakigawa, SZ Shi, Y Kozono. Corrosion Behavior of dental alloys in various types of electrolyzed water. DENTAL MATERIALS JOURNAL. 2003. 22. 4. 482-493
MISC (27):
Yuki Nagamatsu, Moriaki Taniguchi, Ker-Kong Chen, Kiyoshi Tajima, Hiroshi Kakigawa, Yoshio Kozono. Application of Electrolyzed Neutral Water to Sterilization of Denture Base. The Journal of the Kyushu Dental Society()(Academic Journal. 2006. 60. 1. 24-31