J-GLOBAL ID:200901099985739352
Update date: Mar. 23, 2006
Kan Yubon
カン ユボン | Kan Yubon
Affiliation and department:
Research keywords (2):
, Biomechanics
Research theme for competitive and other funds (4):
- 義肢装具の最適設計のためのバイオメカニクス
- 長時間の姿勢保持による疲労低減のための研究
- MRIを利用した生体力学研究
- Study of biomechanics by using MRI
Education (4):
- - 2002 Doshisha University
- - 2002 Doshisha University Graduate School, Division of Engineering
- - 1998 Doshisha University
- - 1998 Doshisha University Faculty of Engineering
Association Membership(s) (3):
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