J-GLOBAL ID:200902007702402251   Reference number:90A0183676

On the submental artery of the cat.

Author (2):
Volume: 31  Issue:Page: 577-591  Publication year: Oct. 1989 
JST Material Number: Y0018A  ISSN: 0385-0137  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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Reference (20):
  • 1) Dubrul, E.L.: Sicher's oral anatomy, 7th edn., pp.355-358, C.V. Mosby, ST. Louis, 1980.
  • 2) 上條擁彦: 図説口腔解剖学3脈管学, 5版, p.451, アナトーム社, 東京, 1966.
  • 3) Spalteholz, W.: Handatlas der Anatomie des Menschen Teil II Bd. I, Fig. 806, Teil II Bd. II, s. 219, Scheltema & Holkema N.V., Amusterdam, 1954.
  • 4) Nickel, R., Schummer, A. & Seiferle, E.: Lehrbuch der Anatomie der Haustiere Bd. III, pp.76-190, Paul Parey, Berlin, 1976.
  • 5) Nomina anatomica veterinaria: Published by Intern. Comm. on Veterin. Anat. Nomen. 2nd. revised edn., 1975, Holzhausen's Succ., Vinna, 1973.
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