J-GLOBAL ID:200902033423068237   Reference number:88A0004786

Studies on the special vinegars. Part I. The general composition, inorganic cations, free amino acids and organic acids of special vinegars.

特殊食酢類に関する研究 I 特殊食酢類の一般成分・無機成分・遊離アミノ酸・有機酸について
Author (3):
Volume: 34  Issue:Page: 592-597  Publication year: Sep. 1987 
JST Material Number: F0895A  ISSN: 0029-0394  CODEN: NSKGAX  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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JST classification (1):
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Fermented seasonings 
Reference (16):
  • 1) 東邦雄・水元弘二・盛敏・前田フキ:鹿工試年報,No. 20, 58 (1974).
  • 2) 東邦雄・水元弘二・南園博幸・盛敏・前田フキ:鹿工試年報,No. 21, 61 (1975).
  • 3) 東邦雄・盛敏:鹿工誌年報,No. 22, 57 (1976).
  • 4) 東邦雄・盛敏:鹿工誌年報,No. 23, 57 (1977).
  • 5) 東邦雄・水元弘二・盛敏:鹿工誌年報,No. 24, 70 (1978).

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