J-GLOBAL ID:200902035159806162   Reference number:90A0390578

Histopathology and image analysis of brain lesions in ovine scrapie in Japan.

Author (5):
Volume: 52  Issue:Page: 439-442  Publication year: Apr. 1990 
JST Material Number: F0905A  ISSN: 0021-5295  CODEN: NJUZA9  Document type: Article
Article type: 短報  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: ENGLISH (EN)
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JST classification (2):
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Animal infectious diseases caused by viruses  ,  Sheep,goats 
Reference (12):
  • 1. Bosanquet, F. D., Daniel, P. M., and Parry, H. B. 1956. Lancet 271: 737-746.
  • 2. Fraser, H. 1976. pp. 267-305. In: Slow Virus Disease of Animals and Man (Kimberlin, R. H. ed.), North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam. oxford.
  • 3. Gajdusek, D. C. 1985. pp. 1519-1557. In: Virology (Fields, B. N., Knipe, D. M., Chanock, R. M., Melnick, J. L., Roizman, B., and Shope, R. E. eds.), Raven Press, New York.
  • 4. Lee, H. -K., Myers, A. M., and Marzella, L. 1989. Exp. Mol. Pathol. 50: 139-146.
  • 5. Mizoi, S., Akashima, A., Hondoh, I., Sasaki, S., Matuda, A., and Shinagawa, M. 1984. The 98th Meeting of the japanese Society of Veterinary Science, p. 69, Kagoshima (in Japanese).

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