J-GLOBAL ID:200902044937600940   Reference number:91A0733879

Reevaluation of Fisher’s table for local diagnosis of acute intracerebral hemorrhage.

高血圧性脳出血急性期の臨床的部位診断 Fisherらの鑑別基準の再評価
Author (3):
Volume: 13  Issue:Page: 274-283  Publication year: Aug. 1991 
JST Material Number: X0160A  ISSN: 0912-0726  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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Neurologic diagnosis  ,  中枢神経系の疾患【’81~’92】 
Reference (7):
  • 1) Fisher CM, Picard EH, Polak A, et al : Acute hypertensive cerebellar hemorrhage : Diagnosis and surgical treatment. J Nerv Ment Dis 140 : 38-57, 1965
  • 2) 永山正雄, 篠原幸人 : 脳血管障害の急性期臨床像の推移と病型鑑別について (抄).脳卒中11 : 679, 1989
  • 3) Shinohara Y, Nakajima Y, Ohsuga H, et al : Asymptomatic cerebral hemorrhage detected by MRI. In Meyer JS, Lechner H, Reivich M, et al. (eds) : Cerebral Vascular Disease 8. Elsevier Science Publishers BV, 1991, (to be published)
  • 4) 永山正雄, 篠原幸人 : 血腫径よりみた急性期高血圧性脳出血の症候分析-Fisherらの鑑別表の再検討 (第2報) - (抄).脳卒中10 : 566, 1988
  • 5) Nagayama M, Shinohara Y : Downward deviation of eyes in thalamic hemorrhage. Stroke 21 (Suppl I) : I-62, 1990
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