J-GLOBAL ID:200902045848533322   Reference number:85A0263427

Temporal flap incision for the malunited zygomatic arch fractures.

Temporal flap incisionによる陳旧性きょう骨弓骨折の整復固定術
Author (5):
Volume: 30  Issue: 12  Page: 1929-1933  Publication year: Dec. 1984 
JST Material Number: G0132C  ISSN: 0021-5163  Document type: Article
Article type: 原著論文  Country of issue: Japan (JPN)  Language: JAPANESE (JA)
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骨の疾患【’81~’92】  ,  Surgical treatment for musculoskeletal diseases  ,  Surgical treatment for tooth and mouth(=oral cavity) 
Reference (20):
  • 1) 飯塚忠彦, 遠藤慶子, 他: Obwegeser氏temporal approachによる陳旧性頬骨弓骨折に対する直視下整復固定術 (抄). 口科誌28: 642 1979.
  • 2) 大島英治, 新宮興: 口唇裂口蓋裂修復術の麻酔-ハロセンとエピネフリン誘発不整脈-形成外科22: 335-340 1979.
  • 3) Knight, J. S. and North, J. F.: The classification of malar fractures. Brit J Plast Surg 13: 325-339 1961.
  • 4) 田嶋定夫: 顔面骨骨折の治療. 克誠堂, 東京, 1979, 92-94頁.
  • 5) Patterson, R. F.: Treatment of depressed fractures of the malar bone and the zygomatic arch. J Bone & Joint Surg 17: 1069-1071 1935.
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